Chapter 975
"Have you found out the reason why the Ye family was exterminated?" Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and asked in surprise.

If you know the reason why the Ye family was destroyed, you will not be far from finding the murderer.

"Not sure yet."

"Tell me."

Sheng Fenghua told Si Zhanbei her guess, and she thought that the box might be the reason for the destruction of the Ye family.

It's just that she doesn't know what's in that box yet, it would be much easier if she knew.

Thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua said to Si Zhanbei: "Wait for me!"

After the sound fell, she stepped into the space and took out the box.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua disappear suddenly, Si Zhanbei was not surprised at all.He knew that his little wife had gone into space.

Soon, Sheng Fenghua returned to the bed, but there was an extra box in his hand.

"Zhan Bei, look, it's like this. My aunt told me that my grandmother gave it to her and asked her to give it to my mother."

"It's just that my aunt became greedy later, so she kept this thing. Until the earthquake happened, she lost this thing."

"Does Auntie know what's in it?"

Sheng Fenghua shook his head.

"Auntie didn't open it to take a look?" Si Zhanbei asked puzzled.Since my aunt is greedy for this thing, shouldn't she open it and have a look?

"My aunt said that only members of the Ye family can open this thing."

"People from the Ye family?" Si Zhanbei glanced at the box and said, "I don't see anything special about this box."

"I didn't see it either."

"If only members of the Ye family can open it, you can try it." Si Zhanbei looked at Sheng Fenghua and said.Now, Sheng Fenghua may be the only descendant of the Ye family.

If only members of the Ye family can open this box, then only Sheng Fenghua can open it.

Sheng Fenghua shook his head and said, "I tried it, but it won't work."

When she was in the space before, she tried several times, but she still couldn't open it.

"Can't it be opened?" Si Zhanbei was taken aback, looking at the box.

"Try it!" Sheng Fenghua handed the box directly to Si Zhanbei, wanting him to take a look.

Si Zhanbei took the box and took a look, but he didn't find where to open it at all. He frowned and said, "Are you sure this box can be opened?"

"I'm not sure, but my aunt said it could be opened."

After hearing the words, Si Zhanbei looked at the box again, but he still couldn't find a place to open it, so he had to give up and said to Sheng Fenghua: "Keep this thing for now."

Sheng Fenghua nodded, then threw the box back into the space again.

Putting aside the matter of the box for the time being, Si Zhanbei thought that it would not be a problem for Sheng Fenghua to stay in this tent all the time, so he discussed with her: "Daughter-in-law, can you go back with me?"

Sheng Fenghua is a smart man, after hearing Si Zhanbei's words, he immediately understood what he was worried about.So he thought about it and said, "Okay, I'll go back with you."

After deciding to leave, Si Zhanbei went directly to the headquarters to explain the situation.The leaders above also knew about Sheng Fenghua's accident.Now, although she has been found, she has been buried for so long, so she is definitely not suitable for continuing to work and perform tasks.

For this reason, the leaders above agreed to Si Zhanbei's request without thinking too much.

With the approval from above, Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei immediately packed their things and prepared to go back with Song Ning and the others.

Before going back, Sheng Fenghua deliberately went to say goodbye to Dean Yang.

(End of this chapter)

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