Chapter 978
Because he is no longer a person, he is also a person with a wife and a daughter.Although the whereabouts of his wife are still unknown, his daughter is fine.

Even if it was for his daughter, to support her, to give her support, or to make up for what he owed her over the years, he had to live longer.

Thinking of this, Mr. Ye's excited mood gradually calmed down, and then he fell asleep.

Seeing that Mr. Ye finally fell asleep, Lin Feng heaved a sigh of relief, picked up the blanket beside him and covered him.

After lunch and a rest, Sheng Fenghua took the medicine box and set off with Si Zhanbei.

The Xinxin tea house is still a little far away from where the two live, one is in the south and the other is in the north.It took them about 40 minutes to get there.

When they arrived, it was still a little before three o'clock, but Mr. Ye was already waiting for them.

The two followed the service staff up to the second floor and entered the private room of the Zhuzi shop.

"Mr. Ye, you are safe and sound." Sheng Fenghua entered the private room, looked at Mr. Ye who stood up, and greeted with a smile.

"Doctor Sheng, you're here!"

When Mr. Ye saw Sheng Fenghua, he became excited again, and his eyes fell on her, and he didn't move away for a long time.

Si Zhanbei looked at Mr. Ye and Sheng Fenghua with a good look, frowned slightly, and stepped in front of her.

Suddenly there was another person in his eyes, which made Mr. Ye a little unhappy.Looking up at Si Zhanbei, his eyes were suddenly filled with hostility.

"Doctor Sheng, who is this?" Mr. Ye glanced at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"This is my husband, Si Zhanbei!"

"Zhanbei, this is Mr. Ye."

Sheng Fenghua introduced the two of them with a smile, and walked out from behind Si Zhanbei, smiled apologetically at Mr. Ye, and said, "Mr. Ye, I'm sorry, I made you laugh."

"Si Zhanbei?" Mr. Ye became surprised after hearing Si Zhanbei's name, and said, "The eldest grandson of the Si family in City B?"

As soon as these words came out, Si Zhanbei's eyes froze, and he immediately turned cold. Looking at Mr. Ye, he asked coldly, "Who are you, and how do you know that I am the eldest grandson of the Si family?"

Looking at the hostile Si Zhanbei, Mr. Ye suddenly laughed. He never thought that the husband Sheng Fenghua married was still an acquaintance of his.

It seems that fate is really amazing.In the past, I and the Si family almost became a family, but I didn't want him to fail, but his daughter became a family with the Si family.

"Ye Motang." After Mr. Ye said his name, he paused and said again: "It's also Ning Minglie."

"What?" Sheng Fenghua lost his voice and looked at Mr. Ye in shock.He just said that he is Ning Minglie?
If she remembered correctly, the youngest son of Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning, who was also her biological father, was also named Ning Minglie.

But the person in front of him doesn't look like the person in the photo left by his mother before.It doesn't look like this at all.Even if this person's appearance will change, it will not be able to change so much.

Because, she couldn't see any resemblance to Ning Minglie in the photo on Mr. Ye's face.

Mr. Ye, oh no, it should be called Ning Minglie looked at Sheng Fenghua's shocked look, his eyes flashed, and he asked a little excitedly: "Do you know my name?"

Sheng Fenghua looked at Ning Minglie with complicated eyes, and said, "I've heard of Ning Minglie's name and seen pictures of Ning Minglie, but it's not like you."

"Have you met the Ning family?" Ning Minglie was startled and asked.However, he soon came back to his senses.

(End of this chapter)

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