Chapter 980
She had read what happened in her mother's Ye Qingge's diary, so now she wanted to hear if what Ning Minglie said was the same.

If it is the same, then the other party is really likely to be her father.However, what Sheng Fenghua was a little puzzled about was why the other party's appearance had changed. Could it be that he had traveled through time, just like her?
After thinking about it, Sheng Fenghua thought it was impossible.If everyone in this world can time travel, and they still have soul wear, wouldn't it be a mess?

Therefore, she felt that she might be thinking too much.

Ning Minglie glanced at Sheng Fenghua and Si Zhanbei, both of them looked calm, and he couldn't see anything from their faces.

After a while of silence, Ning Minglie began to talk about what happened before.However, he didn't tell what happened to Ye's family. He only said that he and Ye Qingge had encountered troubles and had to hide in Shengjia Village. After giving birth to her, the troubles came up again.

In order not to bring danger to Sheng Fenghua, he negotiated with Ye Qingge and sent Sheng Fenghua to the Sheng family.Originally, they thought that after a while, the trouble would be resolved, and they would get Sheng Fenghua back, but they didn't want something to happen later, and he and Ye Qingge separated.

Later, he lost his memory again.It wasn't until a little over a year ago that I remembered something.In order to restore his memory, he came to Gujia Village.

Fortunately, hard work paid off, he finally recovered his memory a few days ago, so he came to Sheng Fenghua specially, wanting to recognize her.

After hearing Ning Minglie's words, Sheng Fenghua remained silent.She knew that Ning Minglie hadn't told her the truth, and hadn't said many key things.

However, she believed that Ning Minglie was his father.

Si Zhanbei didn't speak either, he kept staring at Ning Minglie.According to the diary of his mother-in-law, Ning Minglie is indeed Sheng Fenghua's biological father.

But the question is whether the person in front of him is really Ning Minglie.He has met the two brothers of the Ning family, Ning Mingjie and Ning Mingkai, and he is also familiar with Grandpa Ning and Grandma Ning, and he, Ning Ruize and Ning Ruiyu are still brothers.He is very clear about the appearance of the Ning family.

But the man in front of him didn't look like anyone from the Ning family at all, which made him believe that he was Ning Minglie.

Of course, there are many unrelated people in the world who look alike.Therefore, the best and most direct way to determine whether the man in front of him is Sheng Fenghua's biological father is to conduct a paternity test.

However, Si Zhanbei knew that Sheng Fenghua had some objections to this method, so he didn't bring it up.

He looked at Ning Minglie for a while, and then asked: "Mr. Ye, you say you are Ning Minglie, do you have evidence?"

"You don't believe me?" Ning Minglie looked at Si Zhanbei with some injuries. Since he was studying abroad, he had never seen Si Zhanbei when he was a child.However, I heard from family members that Si Zhanbei is the eldest grandson of the Si family, and is deeply loved by Mr. Si.

"Mr. Ye, with all due respect, you don't look like anyone from the Ning family at all, how can you make me believe you?" Si Zhanbei didn't deny it, but also explained the reasons for his doubts.

After hearing Si Zhanbei's words, Ning Minglie smiled wryly, and said, "It's no wonder you don't believe me, my face has indeed changed too much."

Sheng Fenghua has been secretly observing Ning Minglie, looking at his expression after listening to Si Zhanbei's question, there is no guilty conscience in it, on the contrary, there is some unspeakable bitterness, which makes her A move in my heart.

(End of this chapter)

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