Chapter 990
"So that's how it is." Professor Li was a little emotional, but didn't ask any further questions.

Seeing that it was getting late, Sheng Fenghua had no choice but to interrupt: "Madam, my father and I have to fly in the afternoon, so I have to hurry up and give you acupuncture. Look..."

After hearing Sheng Fenghua's words, Ning Minglie also said, "Professor Li, when I'm free some other day, I'll catch up with you again, and I won't delay your treatment today."

"Okay, then it's settled. When we are free someday, let's make an appointment to have a good chat."

Sheng Fenghua pushed Professor Li back to the room, and then gave her acupuncture.Half an hour later, I put away the silver needle, and said to her: "Madam, based on your current recovery, it is estimated that you will need two more acupuncture and moxibustion before you can stand up."

"Really? Great!" Professor Li was very happy, grabbed Sheng Fenghua's hand, and said, "Fenghua, thank you!"

"Old lady, you don't have to be polite, I'm a doctor, and it's my duty to save the sick and save the sick."

Sheng Fenghua put away his things, bid farewell to the old lady, and left her house with Ning Minglie.

After leaving Professor Li's house, Sheng Fenghua saw that time was running out, so he didn't stay outside for too long. Instead, he went back home and made a simple lunch.

After lunch, the father and daughter rested for another half an hour before Dayong sent them to the plane.

On the plane, the father and daughter saw Lin Feng, and only then did they know that he was going with them.

Regarding Lin Feng's joining, Sheng Fenghua had no opinion.Since Lin Feng is Ning Minglie's confidant, he is one of his own.

An hour later, the three got off the plane.Lin Feng's people had been waiting outside early, and when they saw the three of them coming out, they went up to them and took their luggage.

Since it was afternoon, Sheng Fenghua didn't want Ning Minglie to be too tired, so he stayed in the city for one night.The next day we set off for Gujia Village.

It took almost two hours to go from the city to the county, and another hour to go from the county to the town.After arriving in the town, the car stopped and did not drive any further.The road leading to the village is too narrow, and it is all mountain roads, cars cannot pass at all.

For this reason, Ning Minglie left Lin Feng in the town, and he and Sheng Fenghua found a tricycle and went straight to Gujia Village.

Gucun family, the house where Ning Minglie lived before is still there.And when he left, he also told the old branch secretary that he would come back.

Therefore, the people in the village were not surprised to see him come back.

Not long after Ning Minglie brought Sheng Fenghua back to his place of residence, Wang Xiaohua, who was in charge of cooking for Ning Minglie, came.

After she entered the yard, she found Ning Minglie and asked, "Mr. Ye, you haven't had lunch yet, have you?"

After the questioning, she saw Sheng Fenghua coming out of the room, so she greeted with a smile: "Dr. Sheng, you are here too. You haven't eaten yet, so I'll go get you some Let's cook."

"Then trouble auntie." Sheng Fenghua smiled, still having some impressions of Wang Xiaohua.The last time she came to see Ning Minglie, she ran into Wang Xiaohua.At that time, Wang Xiaohua asked her if she was Mr. Ye's daughter, and said that she and Mr. Ye looked alike.

When she heard this, she still thought it was funny.But he didn't think, Wang Xiaohua was right, she was really his daughter.

"Doctor Sheng, you're too polite. Okay, I won't say more, I'll cook now."

After finishing speaking, Wang Xiaohua turned around and went to the kitchen to cook for the two of them.

Watching Wang Xiaohua leave, Ning Minglie was afraid that Sheng Fenghua might misunderstand, so he explained: "I don't know how to cook, so I found someone in the village who can cook to take care of my three meals a day and clean up the house."

(End of this chapter)

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