Chapter 992
After watching Ning Minglie return to his room, Sheng Fenghua also returned to his room.However, she did not go to bed to rest, but sat on the bed and waited quietly.

Half an hour later, Sheng Fenghua quietly opened the room and walked out.She came to the door of Ning Minglie's room lightly, and then threw something in through the crack of the door.

After throwing the things in, Sheng Fenghua returned to his room and entered the space.Then he changed into a black tights, and left the yard unknowingly.

Taking advantage of the darkness, Sheng Fenghua quickly touched the outside of the yard where things were hidden.

During the day, she had already observed around the yard and knew where it was easier to enter the yard.

She easily entered the courtyard and approached the bedroom.

Close to the bedroom, listening to the sound of sleeping sound from inside.Sheng Fenghua took out the Mixiang that he had prepared earlier, and threw it in through the window.

After throwing the mist, Sheng Fenghua waited quietly outside for a while, guessing that the mist should have worked, then he took out a wire from his body, opened the door, and walked into the room.

There was only one person sleeping in the room, a child.At this time, under the influence of Sheng Fenghua's drug, he was soundly asleep.

Sheng Fenghua took a look at the child to confirm that he would not wake up in a short time, and then set his eyes on the wall.

After scanning around, Sheng Fenghua did not find the mark Ning Minglie mentioned.

After a closer look, I found that the wall seemed to have been repainted.In this way, it is even more difficult to find the place where the evidence is placed.

Sheng Fenghua could only guess the general place by himself based on Ning Minglie's narration.

After circled a small area, Sheng Fenghua was in trouble again.To take things out, the wall must be opened.

But once the wall is opened, it's okay if you can find something, but I'm afraid you can't find it.In this way, the family will definitely find out.

What if the family thought there were treasures on the wall and took things away without her knowing?

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua did not dare to act rashly.Although she had prepared everything, she had to return without success.

When he returned to his place of residence, Sheng Fenghua was in a bad mood.I thought I could find the evidence easily, and then left Gujia Village.

But now it seems that this evidence is not easy to get.

It seemed that she had to find another way.

Thinking of this, Sheng Fenghua went to bed, closed his eyes and went to sleep.The next day, Ning Minglie felt a headache when he woke up, but he didn't think much about it, thinking it was because he didn't sleep well.

After he washed up, he started exercising in the yard.

While practicing Tai Chi, seeing Sheng Fenghua coming out of the room, he laughed and said, "Fenghua, why didn't you sleep a little longer?"

"I'm used to it, I'll go for a run." Sheng Fenghua smiled, then fetched water to wash up.After washing, she went straight out of the yard and started running around the village.

While running, she passed the yard again.Thinking about how to get the things without alarming the family.

Just as he was thinking, the courtyard door of that house opened, and a child came out.Seeing Sheng Fenghua, he was obviously taken aback for a moment, then quickly retreated and closed the courtyard door.

Sheng Fenghua was a little speechless, glanced at the closed courtyard door, and ran forward.

It wasn't until Sheng Fenghua ran past that the courtyard door opened again.The child came out, glanced in the direction Sheng Fenghua left, and then walked outside.

(End of this chapter)

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