Chapter 994
Seeing that Sheng Fenghua had returned, he couldn't help but ask, "Why did you come back so soon?"

"Aunt Wang is not at home, so I will come back."

"Come to my room." Ning Minglie looked at Sheng Fenghua, and went back to the room directly after speaking.

Sheng Fenghua then entered his room, and saw him sitting in front of the desk. On the desk was a piece of paper with a three-dimensional structure diagram of the house on it.

Taking a closer look, it was the structural drawing of the house she had visited last night.

"This is the structural diagram of that family's house, and here is the wall where I hide things. I remember that I should have put things in this place."

While talking, Ning Minglie marked the place where he hid his things.

"Here?" Sheng Fenghua frowned. She checked the place last night. Apart from the fact that the walls were painted, the walls seemed to have been moved.

From that point of view, that thing is probably gone.

However, she still intends to go to that room again this evening.According to the range given by Ning Minglie, he opened the wall and took a look.

"What's wrong?" Ning Minglie glanced at Sheng Fenghua and asked.

"It's nothing, I want to find a chance to go in and take a look."

"Then you have to be careful, don't be discovered by others. Otherwise, it will be troublesome if you are suspected of being a thief or thinking that we are bad people."

"I see!"

Sheng Fenghua put away the drawings drawn by Ning Minglie, turned around and went back to his room.Back in the room, she went directly into the space, and then went to prepare some medicines before coming out.

What she used yesterday was the drug, but she didn't plan to use it today.However, she also prescribed a drug that can make people lose their memory.

Sheng Fenghua planned to ask the owner of the house directly if he couldn't find anything at night.It's just that after asking them, they have to erase their memories.

After finishing the medicine, Sheng Fenghua got out of the space, and went to the village again.

Everyone in the village knew that she was Mr. Ye's doctor, so they were kind to her.Sheng Fenghua walked around the village, feeling a little idle.Suddenly there was an idea in my mind, that is to see a doctor for free for the villagers.

She decided not to charge a fee for seeing a doctor, but she had to answer a question, perhaps in exchange for food or something.

After she had an idea, she went back to her place of residence to discuss it with Ning Minglie.

After hearing this, Ning Minglie thought for a while and agreed with Sheng Fenghua.She happened to have nothing to do now, so it would be good to take this opportunity to see the villagers.

He has lived here for more than a year, and he still knows about the situation of the villagers.They generally seldom go to the hospital to see a doctor. Unless it is a serious illness, they will stay at home or procrastinate.Some people will also get some folk remedies or herbs to eat.

After the decision was made, the father and daughter went to find the old branch secretary together.

Seeing Sheng Fenghua, the old branch secretary was slightly taken aback, but didn't react for a while.Sheng Fenghua and Ning Minglie saw his strangeness, and asked together: "Old party secretary, what's wrong with you, are you okay?"

"No, it's okay. Dr. Sheng is going to give free medical treatment to the villagers in the village. It's a good thing. I'll let everyone know."

After the old party secretary finished speaking, he took Sheng Fenghua and Ning Minglie to the village committee and broadcast the news to everyone.

After hearing the news, everyone was very happy.It is rare for them to see a doctor once a year, which does not mean that there is no problem with their health.

They also often feel unwell, but in order to save money, they seldom go to see them.

(End of this chapter)

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