The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1005 Letter from No Sadness

Chapter 1005 Letter from No Sadness ([-])

For this reason, Yehuang didn't want any other reason to make the two brothers strangers.

"Forget it, don't think about it, I still have things to do tomorrow, let's rest first." Shangguan Yuntian patted Ye Huang on the shoulder, put down his cup, got up and went to the inner room.

Seeing that the bathing water has been prepared in the room, she turned to Yehuang and said, "Huang'er, bring our clothes, wash and go to sleep."

After Yehuang heard the words, she put the teacup away, stood up, went to the side cabinet to find the two people's inner clothes, and brought them into the inner room.

After a while, the sound of water mixed with Yehuang's coquettish voice came out.

In the guest courtyard, after Beichen Jiuge returned, he lay on the bed after bathing, but couldn't sleep.He always felt that the emperor looked at him a little evasively, as if he had done something wrong.

Could it be that he was worried that he would settle accounts with him because of his aunt's death?

The emperor felt guilty when he heard the words "Wu Bei City", and it must not be because of his aunt.It should be because of the city of no sorrow.

But what is it that made the emperor behave like this?

Beichen Jiuge couldn't figure it out, and frowned deeply.After thinking for a long time, Bei Chen Jiu Ge had no choice but to give up, closed his eyes and rested.

Tomorrow is a good day for Shangguan Yuntian to be crowned prince, he can't be late.

After a good night's sleep, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang woke up early the next morning.After breakfast and changing clothes, the two went directly to the palace.

Beichen Jiuge did not accompany the two of them, but entered the palace half an hour late.

As soon as Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang entered the palace, Eunuch Liu took them to an empty hall, and said to the two of them: "Prince, Crown Princess, Your Majesty ordered that this Qionghua Palace will be the sleeping hall for His Highness and Empress in the palace from now on." Yes. Now, there is still an hour before the ceremony, please change your highness and empress."

After Eunuch Liu finished speaking, a group of maids and servants walked in.In their hands, they held the court clothes of the prince and princess.

"Thank you, Eunuch, I'm sorry for your trouble." After Ye Huang thanked Eunuch Liu, she entered the inner hall together with Shangguan Yuntian.

After a while, the two changed into their court clothes and came out. Eunuch Liu led the two to meet the emperor.

The emperor saw that the two were ready, so he went with them to the altar where the ceremony was held.

The canonization etiquette was a bit cumbersome, and it took two hours to finish.After going through all the etiquette procedures, Yehuang was exhausted.

"Huang'er, are you tired?" Back in the main hall, Yehuang lay down on the soft couch.It was just a canonization ceremony, and it was even more tiring than the three days and three nights she had been lurking on a mission.

"I don't know who came up with this etiquette. It's just too tiring. I'd rather climb a mountain for a day than stand for two hours."

"How about, let's change our clothes and I'll give you a good massage?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's tired face, feeling distressed.

These two hours are nothing to him.But Yehuang is different, she is a woman, even with martial arts, her physical strength is limited.

"it is good!"

Yehuang didn't even think about it, and responded directly.Then with the help of Shangguan Yuntian, he sat up and changed into the court clothes.

After taking off the court clothes, Yehuang felt extremely relaxed, and with Shangguan Yuntian's massage, she felt more comfortable.

The two rested for a while in the Qionghua Palace, and had lunch with the emperor before returning to Prince Yun's Mansion.Oh no, it should be called Prince's Mansion, and the plaque has been changed.

At this time, in the prince's mansion, Beichen Jiuge looked at the letter in his hand, but his face was a little dignified.

(End of this chapter)

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