The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1007 Beichen Invites

Chapter 1007 Invitation from Beichen ([-])

"Cousin, let us think about it." Shangguan Yuntian didn't immediately agree, he had just met Beichen Jiuge, and now he was about to go to Wubei City, feeling a little caught off guard.

According to Shangguan Yuntian's thinking, Wubei City is going, but not now.

"Okay, I'll give you a day to think about it. I'll wait for you here for a day, and let me know when you've thought about it." Beichen Jiuge didn't force Shangguan Yuntian, picked up the letter from home, got up and left.

However, after walking a few steps, he stopped again, turned his head to look at Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang and said, "Grandpa is getting old, and this time the illness is severe again, so there is not much time left for him."

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to respond, Beichen Jiuge went directly back to the Guest House.

When Beichen Jiuge left, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian looked at each other, but neither of them spoke.The two sat in the pavilion for a while, then got up and went back to Qinghuangyuan.

Although the two had rested for a period of time when they were in the palace, Yehuang still didn't rest.

If she hadn't met Beichen Jiuge on the way, she would have gone back to rest a long time ago.

Back in Qinghuangyuan, Shangguan Yuntian didn't mention what happened just now, but went to bed with Yehuang to rest.

When Yehuang woke up, she found that Shangguan Yuntian hadn't rested at all, and was opening his eyes, thinking about something.

"Yuntian, what's wrong?" Yehuang looked at him and asked with concern.She knew that Shangguan Yuntian was worried about whether to go to Wubei City or not.

He has always valued family affection, and he feels a lot of guilt towards his mother and concubine.Now that the grandfather is sick and the concubine is gone, he should fulfill his filial piety on her behalf.

But his identity doesn't mean that he can leave if he wants to.Especially now that he has just been canonized as the prince and the emperor is about to let him listen to the government.

"Huang'er, do you think we should go?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang and asked.

"Yuntian, logically speaking, we should go. But the emperor may not agree. After all, going to Wubei City is not a day or two, nor a month or two months. It will take at least half a year, or even longer."

"Yeah, it's been too long."

"Yuntian, do you want to go and see too?" Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian and asked.

"Huang'er knows me best. That's right, I want to go and see, but when I think of my concubine being killed early because she didn't have the support of her natal family, I can't pass the test in my heart."

"I understand, but they don't want to, do they?" Yehuang explained to Shangguan Yuntian, if Beichen Jiuge hadn't lied to them, then they couldn't be blamed for Concubine Xiang's early death.

"Let me think again."

Yehuang didn't speak again, but was about to get up.But he didn't want to, when she was about to step over Shangguan Yuntian's body, he suddenly pulled her and made her fall heavily on his body.

"Yuntian?" Yehuang lay on Shangguan Yuntian's body and blinked at him.

"Huang'er!" Shangguan Yuntian yelled in a low voice, then clasped her waist with both hands, pressed to his chest, locked her lips and kissed her heavily.

He was a little annoyed, and desperately wanted to relieve himself and vent.

Knowing that Shangguan Yuntian was in a bad mood, Yehuang closed her eyes slightly and responded.

Originally, the two of them were only wearing an inner coat because of their lunch break, but as Shangguan Yuntian's big hands kept walking on Yehuang's body, their clothes flew out and landed on the ground.

When the two met each other frankly, a kiss could no longer satisfy Shangguan Yuntian.So, he turned over, and the positions of the two were immediately reversed.

"Huang'er, I want you!"

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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