The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1020 Husband and wife walk together

Chapter 1020 Husband and wife walk together (ten)

The emperor was angry with Shangguan Yuntian, but Shangguan Yuntian was in a bad mood because of the emperor's arrival.

Eunuch Liu waited on the side with trepidation, trying to minimize his sense of existence.For fear that the emperor would be angry and take him under the knife.

When they came to the main hall, Yehuang looked at the father and son with a bad face, and said: "Father, Yuntian, if you have something to say, I'll go and prepare some food."

After finishing speaking, she took a deep look at Shangguan Yuntian, and retreated with the people, leaving space for them.

Eunuch Liu watched Ye Huang leave, and quietly exited the lobby, guarding outside.

When there were only the emperor and Shangguan Yuntian in the room, Shangguan Yuntian opened his mouth and asked, "I don't know why the emperor came here?"

"Yuntian, do you have to talk to me like this?" The emperor stared at Shangguan Yuntian with a cold face.When a father and son quarrel, it is not the son who bows his head first, but when it comes to him, it is good, but the father must bow his head first.

The majestic king of a country is being manipulated by his son, who can believe it?

But now, things are like this, Shangguan Yuntian said that he was not the prince, so he had to compromise.Although Dazhao's national power is strong now, he knows that all this is because of Shangguan Yuntian.Without him, Dazhao would have been wiped out by Nan'an Kingdom long ago.

Therefore, Dazhao can achieve today's achievements, thanks to Shangguan Yuntian.If he really did what Shangguan Yuntian wanted and abolished his position as the crown prince, not to mention the ministers in the court, the people of Dazhao would not be willing.

"Father, please speak clearly if you have something to say, my son is dull." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, as if he didn't see the emperor's displeasure.

"You?" The emperor was so angry that he couldn't speak, he felt that he didn't understand Shangguan Yuntian at all, and he didn't know what he was thinking at all.

He condescended to come here, and his performance was so obvious that Shangguan Yuntian actually pretended to be deaf and dumb, and even said that he didn't know his reason for coming, it really pissed him off.

Could it be that he really has to apologize to him before he can understand?
"Royal father, I really don't understand why you are here, so please tell me straight up. I have to pack up for a while, I'm afraid I don't have time to fight with my royal father here."

"Shangguan Yuntian!" The emperor roared angrily.

"My son is here!" Shangguan Yuntian slightly lowered his eyes, and no longer looked at the emperor.

"You?" The emperor was so angry that it took him a while to suppress the anger in his heart, and asked, "Do you have to go to Wusie City?"

"I have to go!" Shangguan Yuntian said with determination.It would be fine if Old Master Beichen was in good health, but now that he has been poisoned, he doesn't know if he can get rid of it in the end, so he has to go.

"Okay, I won't stop you. But there are some things that I have to explain to you first." The emperor finally compromised, he managed to ease the relationship with Shangguan Yuntian, and Dazhao finally stepped up to a higher level. External causes, but back to the origin.

"Your servant is all ears."

"Wu Bei City is currently in civil strife, you promise me that you must not participate in it."

"Father, don't worry, as long as people from the other three families don't provoke me, I will definitely not interfere in the internal affairs of Wubei City."

"Remember what you said." The emperor snorted coldly, handed a token to Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "If you are in trouble in Wubei City, use this token to find the head of the Murong family. He will help you."

"Thank you, Father." When Shangguan Yuntian took the token, he covered the cold light in his eyes.

 Thank you for the reward that allowed me to bear your surname, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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