The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1022: First Arrival Without Sadness

Chapter 1022

Although, his heart is like an arrow, he wished he could return to Wusia City immediately, and see grandpa immediately.But I also know that haste makes waste.

If Ye Huang fell ill, even if they returned to Wusai City, it would not help.

Fortunately, after walking for a long time, they saw a small town, and the group entered the town to find an inn to rest.

Lying on the bed, Ye Huang took a comfortable breath.These days, she has been on horseback, and she is really exhausted.So not long after lying down, she fell asleep directly.

Looking at it, Shangguan Yuntian felt even more distressed.He quietly left the room, purposely found the shopkeeper of the inn, and asked him to cook some chicken soup for Yehuang to mend.

After a good night's sleep, four hours had passed by the time Yehuang opened her eyes.During these four hours, Shangguan Yuntian accompanied her every step of the way.

"You're awake!" Shangguan Yuntian was very happy to see Ye Huang wake up.While helping her to sit up, he ordered his subordinates: "Come here, go and bring me the chicken soup that I had prepared earlier."

Dong, who was guarding outside, responded softly, and quickly went downstairs to the kitchen to serve chicken soup.

After a while, Dong brought back the chicken soup.

"Huang'er, drink up the chicken soup." Shangguan Yuntian scooped up a bowl and handed it to Yehuang.

"It smells so good!" Yehuang took a sip and praised it with satisfaction.The chicken soup is well cooked, it doesn't look like this small inn even has an expert cook.

"Drink more if it tastes good." Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang with a smile on his face, watching her drink another bowl of chicken soup after she finished it.

"One bowl is enough, you can drink the rest." Ye Huang smiled and pushed the bowl to Shangguan Yuntian, who was not much better after rushing to Shangguan Yuntian these days, and also lost a lot of weight.

"Okay, let's drink together." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, and then you took a sip, and I drank the whole chicken soup in one gulp.

After drinking the chicken soup, Ye Huang felt much better, so she asked, "Yun Tian, ​​where did cousin go?"

"He went to find out the news." Shangguan Yuntian thought of what Beichen Jiuge said to him before leaving, his eyes darkened, and his face was a little cold.

Beichen Jiuge told him before that when the people in Wusai City heard that he was going back, they brought the Immortal Doctor with them, planning to do something halfway, so that he and the Immortal Doctor would never be able to return to Wusai City.

For this reason, he went out to check the news on purpose to see where the people sent by the other party were, and planned to attack them first and kill them all.

"Did something happen?" Yehuang was a smart person, and upon hearing Shangguan Yuntian's words, she knew something had happened.

"There are people in Wusai City who don't want us to go back." Shangguan Yuntian didn't hide anything, and told Yehuang what Beichen Jiuge had said to him.

"In this way, the situation in Wusai City has reached the point where swords and swords are facing each other. It seems that we have to speed up, otherwise grandfather may not be able to wait for us to go back."

Yehuang frowned, not optimistic about the situation in Wusai City.Although, Beichen Jiuge said before that everything was under his control, and he also told them that he wanted to take this opportunity to wipe out those who wanted to overthrow the Beichen family.

But now it seems that it is somewhat out of control.

"Is your body able to take it?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Ye Huang with a worried expression on his face. They had already walked half of the distance, and if they kept on going, they would be able to reach Wusia City in at most eight days.

But he was worried that Ye Huang would not be able to bear it. After all, she was a woman, no matter how strong her body was, she could not compare with a man.

(End of this chapter)

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