The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1039 Killing and breaking through

Chapter 1039 Murder Breakthrough ([-])
Beichen Jiuge didn't have time to worry about what they were thinking, and urged the horse to speed up, while looking around vigilantly.

The assassination along the way has made him no longer dare to take any chances.

On the other hand, the common people on both sides of the street saw Beichen Jiuge come back, some were happy and some were worried.The happy ones are naturally close to Beichen's family, while the sad ones are those who have just joined the Murong family.

They originally thought that Murong's family would soon be replaced by Beichen's family after such a big commotion.After all, Beichen Jiuge went out and did not return, and the old man Beichen was poisoned and his life was dying. No one would be optimistic about Beichen's family.

Unexpectedly, the Murong family hadn't completely subdued the Beichen family's influence, yet this Beichen Jiuge had come back.And when they came back, there was such a commotion that they captured all the young masters of the Murong family.

This made those who took refuge in the Murong family and wanted to rely on the Murong family to get promoted and make a fortune regret it.

Sure enough, Beichen Jiuge is Beichen Jiuge, if you don't make a move, it will be nothing, if you make a move, it will be a blockbuster.

Who would have thought that the members of Murong's family were so useless that they were all arrested.

Beichen Jiuge was riding on the horse, his face that was originally warm and moist like jade was already covered with frost.Along the way, he took everyone's expressions into his eyes and curled his lips into a sneer.

Those who have taken refuge in Murong's family are fine, after he cleans up Murong's family, he will clean them up.He will never forgive those who break their faith.

The news that Beichen Jiuge broke through the city gate, killed all the guards, and captured several young masters of the Murong family quickly spread in Wubei City.

You can say anything about killing the guards.Some people said that those guards died without guilt, some said that Beichen Jiuge was too cruel, and of course some said that the Murong family deserved their own fault.

Regarding these discussions, Beichen Jiuge had no time to deal with them.Whether it is right or wrong, he only did what he should do.

As for whether it is cruel or not, it depends on who is compared.

After hearing the report from his subordinates, Murong Hui was so angry that he almost smashed all the things in the study.He already knew that Beichen Jiuge was not easy to deal with, otherwise he wouldn't have sent so many troops to assassinate him.

But he didn't expect Beichen Jiuge to be so powerful, not only broke through the city gate easily, but also killed all the dead soldiers of his Murong family, and arrested his sons.

How on earth did he do it?The murderers of the Murong family are the elite among the elite, not to mention that Beichen Jiuge has only a few people around him, even if he has dozens of people around him, he may not be able to beat him.

Because, considering that Beichen Jiuge was not easy to deal with, he dispatched more than 100 dead soldiers.Unexpectedly, they all died.

"Go and investigate, see how Beichen Jiuge did it, and find out how those dead men died." After calming down, Murong Hui ordered.

"Yes, this subordinate will do it."

The sound fell, and a shadow hurried away.

Murong Hui was the only one left in the study soon. Thinking about the position he was about to obtain, and thinking about how powerful Beichen Jiuge was, he felt terrified and at the same time very unwilling.

How to change this situation?
Murong Hui pondered.

Fortunately, he soon thought of a way, so he shouted: "Come on!"

"Patriarch, what are your orders?" A man in gray appeared in front of Murong Hui and asked respectfully.

"Go and see how things are going with Eldest Young Master?" Murong Hui ordered, now it's up to Murong Quan.If he could catch the young masters of Beichen's family, things might turn around.

Otherwise, the Murong family will really fail.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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