The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1044 Grandfather critically ill

Chapter 1044 Grandfather is Critically Ill ([-])

"Yehuang is the Immortal Doctor?" The two of them were afraid that they had heard it wrong, so they looked at Beichen Jiuge to confirm it.

"That's right!" Beichen Jiuge nodded seriously. When he knew the truth, he was as shocked as his parents.

"I never expected that Yehuang's medical skills would be so good at such a young age. In this way, your grandfather can be saved." Beichen Mingrui said with great emotion.Thinking of his father's dying appearance, he wished he could take his own place.

"Great, father is saved now." Fengyun was also happy, if Yehuang was a medical fairy, she would definitely spare no effort to treat the old man.

"Well, when the siblings are rested, the son will take her to see grandpa." Beichen Jiuge looked at his parents and said with a smile.If it wasn't for the delay on the way, Yehuang should have been seeing the old man at this time.

"When treating a disease, check what's missing, and go directly to the warehouse to get it."

Thinking that the old man was saved, Beichen Jiuge's family was very happy.

"Ge'er, you're tired too, go and rest." The three of them talked for a while, and Fengyun looked at his son's tired face and said distressedly.

Beichen Jiuge didn't refuse, looked at the two of them and said: "Okay, father, mother, the son will go to rest first. If you have anything to say, I will talk about it after I have rested."

After finishing speaking, he got up and bid farewell to the elders, and went back to his yard to rest.

At this time, Murong Hui brought Murong Mei and the little girl from Beichen's family to the door of Beichen's house.

When the guards of Beichen's family saw the carriage of Murong's family, their expressions became serious.During this period of time, Beichen's family and Murong's family were in the same situation. If it weren't for the fact that the guards like them were not bad at martial arts, and the head of the family had activated the formation to protect the family, the Murong family would have already attacked.

The Murong family's carriage stopped, and Murong Hui's entourage got out of the carriage first, and walked towards the guards of Beichen's family.

"Stop!" The guards of the Beichen family saw the Murong family's entourage approaching, and immediately put their hands on the saber on their body.

"Brother, please inform me that my Patriarch and Eldest Young Master are here to visit." The attendant looked at one of the guards and said, while handing over the greeting card.

"Please wait a moment!" The guard took the greeting card, glanced at it, turned around and went into the mansion to report.

When Beichen Mingrui heard Murong Hui's visit, his expression turned ugly, and he said, "No see!"

They even sent people to surround Beichen's house before, but now Beichen Jiuge has returned and arrested the young masters of Murong's family.Murong Hui just paid a visit, knowing what he wanted to do without even thinking about it.

Outside the door, Murong Hui sat in the carriage and waited quietly. When he saw his entourage returning with an ugly face, he felt somewhat confused and asked, "What's going on?"

"Patriarch Beichen said he didn't see him." The attendant replied boldly, lowering his head and not daring to look at Murong Hui.

Hearing this, Murong Hui's face darkened in an instant, and he gritted his teeth and said a few words: "Beichen Mingrui!"

Fortunately, in order to show his sincerity, he asked the people outside Beichen's house to withdraw, but he didn't expect Beichen Mingrui to be so ignorant that he didn't see him.

Well, very well.It seems that if he didn't give him a good look, Beichen Mingrui would have thought that Murong Hui was a vegetarian.

"Come on, go and bring that little girl here." Murong Hui ordered, and someone immediately went to carry the little girl that was caught before.

Soon, the little girl was carried in front of Murong Hui.

"Come here!" Murong Hui said to the little girl, scaring her into tears instantly.

 Thank you Qianqianque Song for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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