The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1050: The Night Phoenix Makes a Move

Chapter 1050: The Night Phoenix Makes a Move ([-])

Hearing Yehuang's shout, Shangguan Yuntian closed the door, walked to Yehuang's side, and asked, "Huang'er, what do you need me to do?"

"Wipe my sweat!" Ye Huang turned her head while talking.

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang's forehead covered with beads of sweat, and his heart ached. He took out a handkerchief from his body and wiped it gently.

After helping Yehuang wipe off the sweat a few times, he stood aside and watched her administer the needle.

With Shangguan Yuntian by her side, there was no more sweat on her forehead.Because as soon as it appeared, Shangguan Yuntian helped to erase it.

Time passed little by little, and an hour later, Ye Huang finally finished administering the needles, forcing the poison on the old man's body to the soles of his feet.

"Okay!" Yehuang put away the golden needle, then sat on a chair beside her and panted heavily.The entire hour consumed most of her energy.

Very sleepy!
Yehuang couldn't keep her eyes open, she really wanted to sleep.

If she hadn't relied on her will, she would have fallen down long ago.It's just that she can't fall down no matter what before the matter is explained clearly.

So, she sat on the chair to rest for a while, and said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Yuntian, go and call Biaoge in."

Originally, she wanted to guard the old man's medicated bath by herself, but now it seemed impossible, she was so tired that she couldn't bear it any longer.

This is also the reason why she planned to detoxify the old man the next day. It was because they had traveled for such a long time and encountered several assassinations, her energy had not recovered at all.

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian replied, seeing Yehuang's exhausted appearance, his heart ached.At this time, he wished he could take Yehuang to rest right away, but he thought that she still had something to explain, so he could only endure it and go out and call Beichen Jiuge in.

"Siblings, are you looking for me?" Beichen Jiuge came to Yehuang and asked with a smile.However, when he saw Ye Huang's exhausted, pale face and drowsy appearance, he was stunned and asked, "Sister and sister, what's wrong with you?"

"I'm fine, I'm just tired." Yehuang said weakly, and then without waiting for Beichen Jiuge to speak again, she directly confessed: "The medicine will be cooked in a while, and you guard your grandfather's medicine bath. Remember, during the medicine bath, It must not be less than an hour."

"Okay, I see, you can go back and rest." Beichen Jiuge looked at Yehuang like this, and couldn't help becoming worried.

It never occurred to him that Ye Huang could be exhausted like this just by administering a needle.If possible, he really hoped that he would never have to use needles again.

"Okay, then I'll go back to rest first, and I'll leave it to you, grandfather." After Yehuang finished speaking, she turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian.

Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward, bent down to pick up Yehuang, and went straight out of the room.

Beichen Mingrui and the others who were waiting outside were shocked when they saw Shangguan Yuntian coming out with Yehuang in his arms, and asked, "Yuntian, what's wrong with Huang'er?"

"It's nothing, I'm just tired. Uncle, aunt, I'll take Huang'er back to rest first." Shangguan Yuntian quickly left while holding Yehuang in his arms.

As soon as he left the old man's courtyard, Shangguan Yuntian heard Yehuang's even breathing.When he looked down, he realized that she had fallen asleep.

Seeing her falling asleep so quickly, Shangguan Yuntian's heart softened and his heart ached terribly.Afterwards, he jumped up and returned to the guest room with light kung fu.

After returning to the guest room, he put Yehuang on the bed for a while, and then he left the room and told Dong: "Go and get your master's medicine box back."


Dong took the order to get the medicine box, and Shangguan Yuntian went back to the room to accompany Yehuang.

(End of this chapter)

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