The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1058 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 1058 Miraculous Medicine ([-])

Hmph, brat, you didn't even tell him.It's too much!
Afterwards, he turned his head to look at Beichen Mingrui and Fengyunshi who were standing aside, and said, "Rui'er, Rui'er's daughter-in-law, you have worked hard these days."

"Look at what my father said, this is what we should do, there is no hard work." Fengyun laughed and replied softly.

The family talked with the old man for a while, seeing that he was tired, they stopped talking.After all, I just woke up after being in a coma for more than a month, and my energy is not as good as before.

So, Beichen Mingrui, Beichen Jiuge and his son supported the old man to lie down, and watched him fall asleep before leaving.

In the guest house, Yehuang slept until the afternoon before waking up.When she woke up, the first thing she did was to get Beichen Jiuge to ask about the old man.

It stands to reason that she should go to see the old man, but I don't know if it is due to her exhaustion, even if she has rested, she has no strength in her body.

For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian didn't want her to walk, but wanted to carry her.As a result, Yehuang was unwilling again, after all, this was at someone else's house.Before being carried back by him, it was because she was too tired.

It's different now, she has rested for such a long time, and she let Shangguan Yuntian carry her, which not only has bad influence, but also looks hypocritical.

I had no choice but to have someone call Beichen Jiuge.

When Beichen Jiuge heard that Yehuang had woken up and asked someone to come to him, he was very happy and quickly went to the guest house.When he walked into the guest courtyard, he happened to see Shangguan Yuntian carrying Yehuang out of the room and heading for the gazebo, he couldn't help being startled and worried.

He walked to the gazebo, watched Shangguan Yuntian put Yehuang down, and asked nervously: "Cousin, what's wrong with my younger siblings? Is there any sequelae caused by the injection of the grandfather?"

"It's okay, it's just a lack of strength." Yehuang smiled and shook her head. She estimated that it would take a day or two to recover.

"Really? You didn't lie to me?" Beichen Jiuge looked at Yehuang suspiciously, afraid that she didn't want them to worry, so she said this to comfort him.

To be honest, if Yehuang really caused some physical problems because of saving the old man, the entire Beichen family would blame themselves.

It was true that they hoped that the old man would get better, but they didn't want Ye Huang to have problems because of it.

"Cousin, don't worry, I didn't lie to you. It's really just a loss of strength, and it will be fine in a day or two." Yehuang said seriously. She is a doctor, so she doesn't know what is going on with her body.

She is really just mentally exhausted now, and she will be fine in a few days.But this, she didn't want to tell Beichen Jiuge, so she found an excuse to lose her strength.

"Okay, I'll trust you for now." Although Beichen Jiuge still had doubts, he didn't show it on the surface.

"Cousin, is grandfather awake? Is he okay now?" Ye Huang didn't continue the original topic, but turned to the old man.

According to her prediction, the old man should wake up within half an hour after taking the medicinal bath. Originally, she was supposed to confirm the removal of the poison from his body when he woke up.However, she was so tired that she fell asleep before, so she had to be absent.

"Don't worry, brother and sister, grandpa has woken up, and his body looks good. But after all, he has been poisoned for so long, he is getting older, and his spirit is not as good as before."

"I understand." Yehuang nodded, and then took out a prescription from her sleeve, which was written in the room after waking up.

(End of this chapter)

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