The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1060 Miraculous Medicine

Chapter 1060 Miraculous Medicine ([-])

After drinking the ginseng soup, sleepiness struck again, and Yehuang quickly fell asleep again.After Shangguan Yuntian waited for her to fall asleep, he specially went to Beichen Jiuge's yard and thanked him personally.

Of course, in addition to thanking him, he also reminded Beichen Jiuge tactfully that Yehuang was his woman and he couldn't allow others to think about it, but he made Beichen Jiuge dumbfounded and said, "Cousin, you think too much. She is your wife and my younger brother and sister, how could I have such thoughts?"

Shangguan Yuntian looked at Beichen Jiuge without saying a word, but his eyes seemed to know everything.

Beichen Jiuge was very comfortable with him, and said: "Yes, I admire her because she is outstanding. As for my concern for her, it is because she saved grandpa's life. Don't worry, in my heart , Yehuang is just my younger sibling, that's all."

"It's good that you understand!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded, he believed in Beichen Jiuge's character.Believe that he means what he says, and he will do what he says.

Afterwards, the two did not discuss the matter of Yehuang again, but changed the topic.

"Yuntian, the poison on Grandpa's body has been cured, when do you and your siblings plan to meet him?" Beichen Jiuge asked with a smile.

Over the years, the old man has always had one obsession, which is to find his aunt, Beichen Xiang'er.Now that his aunt is gone, he will definitely be sad.

Only letting Shangguan Yuntian recognize him is more or less a consolation, and maybe it can make the old man feel better.

"No rush!" Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, admitting that it was for sure, but he was not in a hurry at this moment.Now, the old man has just been detoxified, and his health is not very good. He can't bear the great joy and sorrow, so he can only wait.

Besides, the current crisis of the Beichen family has not been resolved, and if they recognize each other now, it will cause unnecessary trouble for both parties.

"Cousin, you don't want to recognize Grandpa, do you?" Hearing the word 'no hurry' from Shangguan Yuntian's mouth, Beichen Jiuge couldn't help but feel worried.

If the old man hadn't just woken up, he wished that the two would recognize each other now.But Shangguan Yuntian actually said that he was not in a hurry, what was his plan?
Could it be that the plan is to go through many tests just like their brothers did before?

Looking at Beichen Jiuge's changing expression, Shangguan Yuntian didn't know what he was thinking, so he said lightly: "Cousin, you don't need to think too much. I said it's not urgent, not because I don't want to recognize it. It's because my grandfather The current body can't be too excited, otherwise Huang'er's efforts will be in vain."

Hearing this, Beichen Jiuge felt relieved, but at the same time blamed himself.He was so focused on getting Shangguan Yuntian to recognize the old man that he forgot about his physical condition, damn it.

"Cousin, I'm sorry, I was wrong." Beichen Jiuge sincerely apologized.

"It's okay, if you care about it, it will cause chaos." Shangguan Yuntian waved his hand, seeing that it was getting late, he said goodbye and went back to the guest house.

When he returned to the guest house, Ye Huang had already woken up.After sleeping, her spirit recovered a lot, and finally she was no longer weak.

"Huang'er, why didn't you sleep longer?" Shangguan Yuntian said while handing the clothes to Yehuang.

"If I sleep any longer, I'll become a pig."

"How could it be? Even if it's a pig, it's still a beauty pig, isn't it?" Shangguan Yuntian joked with Ye Huang, helping her put on her clothes, and then they left the room together.

As soon as the two of them left the room, they saw a guard in black rushing over.His footsteps were a little flustered, and he looked anxious.


Seeing the person coming, Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian glanced at each other, and there were question marks in their minds at the same time.

 Thank you [W] for the reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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