The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1062 Caesarean Section

Chapter 1062 Caesarean Section ([-])

Fortunately, Beichen Jiuge didn't care, and explained in a low voice: "It's not just that Doctor Liu is unwilling, even if he is willing, my cousin and the others won't find a man to treat my cousin."

Yehuang was silent. In ancient times, men and women paid attention to whether to kiss or not.

"Where is the doctor now?"

"Let's go. She took a look and said there was no way, so she just left."

Beichen Jiuge said a little annoyed, it was because the doctor said she had no choice but to leave, so he thought of Yehuang.Beichen Jiuge felt that since Yehuang could cure the old man's poison, maybe he could also save his sister-in-law and the unborn nephew.

After listening to Beichen Jiuge's words, Yehuang quickened her pace and asked, "Where does the pregnant woman live?"

"Hurry up, it's in the front yard." Beichen Jiuge pointed towards the yard not far away.

When Yehuang heard this, she didn't have to leave.He lifted up his light work and flew up, landing in the yard in front of him.Unexpectedly, her sudden appearance startled the servants in the courtyard.

Opening his mouth, he was about to shout out, but Ye Huang scolded first: "Shut up, I'm a doctor, where is your wife?"

Hearing that Yehuang said it was a doctor, the servants who were about to scream closed their mouths, and then pointed to one of the rooms.

Yehuang followed her fingers to look over, there was no one outside the room, and she couldn't even hear the movement inside the room.

"Could something be wrong?" Yehuang thought as she ran towards the room quickly.As they got closer, they heard voices coming from the corridor.

"Young madam is in a terrible situation. The midwife can't help it, and the doctor doesn't care. It's still a difficult labor. I think it will kill two people."

"Young Madam, it's true. It's great to stay in the house. Why is she coming out? No, she will suffer if she falls, and the child doesn't know if she can keep it."

"Have you forgotten what the midwife said? Not only the child, but even the young lady may not be able to save her own life."

"If this is the case, then the young master is pitiful. He loves the young lady so much that he didn't even have a room for the young lady before. Now, the young lady is pregnant with a child, but something like this happens again. I don't know if he can take it."

"Okay, don't say a few words, go get the water quickly, don't you know that the house is waiting for water?"

"Adults and children can't keep it, so what water do you use?"

"Stop talking, do your best and obey the destiny."

While talking, the two went to fetch water.Ye Huang listened to their words, and her expression was very bad.She walked quickly to the delivery room, stretched out her hand and opened the door.

The people in the room were startled when they saw a stranger coming in, and asked loudly, "Who is it?"

Yehuang didn't speak, and strode towards the dying woman on the bed.

"Who are you and what do you want to do?" Just as he was about to approach the woman on the bed, a man walked in and blocked Yehuang's way.

Yehuang raised her eyes and glanced at the man coldly, and said lightly: "If you want both adults and children to be fine, just get out of the way!"

"What?" The man was startled, looked at Ye Huang in disbelief, and stammered, "You, what did you just say?"

"Get out of the way!" Yehuang was anxious about the situation of the woman on the bed, and didn't want to answer the right question, so she stretched out her hand and pushed the man aside.

After pushing away the man, Yehuang quickly walked to the bed, glanced at the woman with a painful face, and quickly felt her pulse.

(End of this chapter)

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