The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1065 Caesarean Section

Chapter 1065 Caesarean Section ([-])

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang was overjoyed and walked over quickly.

"Yuntian, why are you here?" Yehuang stood in front of Shangguan Yuntian, looking up at him with a smile.

She knew that Shangguan Yuntian was worried about her, so she waited here.

"Are you okay?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Yehuang, did not answer her words, but looked at her.Seeing that her spirit was a little weaker again, my heart ached.Stretching out his hand, he hugged Yehuang into his arms, and said in a low voice: "Huang'er, no matter who invites you from now on, we won't go, okay?"

Yehuang was taken aback when she heard the words, looked up at Shangguan Yuntian's distressed and pityful face, and nodded slightly.Although she didn't think there was anything wrong with her, she didn't want Shangguan Yuntian to worry.

"Let's go, let's go back and rest." Seeing Yehuang's agreement, Shangguan Yuntian became happy, wrapped his arms around Yehuang's body, flew straight up, and headed towards the guest courtyard.

As for Dong and Xia, they were directly left behind by the two of them.Fortunately, they have long been used to such things, and walked back slowly with the medicine box in hand.

On the other hand, after Beichen Jiuge came out from the side, he saw only Dong and Xia walking on the road, so he couldn't help but asked with concern: "Why are there two of you, where is your master?"

"My master is going back first." Dong replied flatly, and Xia quickly walked towards the guest courtyard.

Beichen Jiuge felt relieved when he heard the words, originally he wanted someone to send the two of them back to the guest house, but seeing the two of them avoiding him like snakes and scorpions, he had to swallow the words that came to his lips.

However, in the end he still confessed to his subordinates: "Secretly protect them back."

After Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian returned to the guest house, they went directly to their room to rest.Shangguan Yuntian was not tired, but he was reluctant to leave, and slept with Yehuang until the next morning.

Waking up in the morning, Ye Huang's spirit was better than yesterday's. She knew that her mental strength had recovered, so she couldn't help being happy.

Originally, she thought that after an operation yesterday, it would take a little longer for her mental strength to recover, but she didn't expect it to recover so quickly.

After waking up and having breakfast with Shangguan Yuntian, the two were about to visit the old man, but Qin Chao walked in and reported, "Master, Mrs. Beichen, please see me."

"Let them in." Shangguan Yuntian said lightly, but his face was a little displeased.He had warned Beichen Jiuge yesterday to keep him away from Yehuang. Why did he forget it in just one night?

Just as he was thinking, Qin Chao walked in with two people, a Beichen Jiuge, and a young man he didn't know.

Seeing that man, Shangguan Yuntian thought of Yehuang's visit yesterday, and couldn't help asking her in a low voice: "Huang'er, do you know that man?"

"He is the husband of the woman who gave birth yesterday." Yehuang replied in a low voice.

Beichen Jiuge and Beichen Liufeng walked in, and before Beichen Jiuge could speak, Beichen Liufeng had already stepped forward, saluted Yehuang, and said, "Mr. Shangguan, Mrs. Shangguan, Liufeng is here to thank you today. Thanks to Mrs. Shangguan for saving Liufeng's wife and children."

"Young Master Liufeng, you don't need to be too polite!" Yehuang said lightly, "Please sit down!"

After the two of them sat down, Yehuang asked someone to bring tea in, and then asked, "Mr. Liufeng, how is Madam Ling doing now? You should have woken up last night, right?"

When Beichen Liufeng heard Yehuang's question about his wife and children, he said gratefully: "Returning to Mrs. Shangguan, my wife is fine. After waking up last night, I didn't dare to let her eat according to your instructions. Only after breathing this morning did I let her prepare." I gave her some tonic soup. As for the child, he is fine too, able to eat and sleep."

(End of this chapter)

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