The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 108 Incorporating bandits

Chapter 108 Incorporating bandits ([-])

"You?" Mu Fei stared at Ye Huang, wishing he could step forward and snatch Mu Zong back.But he also knew that even his father couldn't beat the opponent, so he didn't need to talk about it.

But even so, he couldn't just watch someone put a sword on his father's neck.

"Okay, don't be here, you and me. I don't have time to spend with you. If you want your father and the people in the village to be fine, you can hang out with me in the future. Otherwise, you are ready to collect the corpses for everyone." Ye Huang With a look of impatience, he gave two choices.

"How could you do this?" Mu Fei was anxious, staring at Ye Huang.

Ye Huang gave Mu Fei a blank look, and said coldly: "How could I not be like this? A few months ago, I was just staying overnight, and your father not only arrested me as a spy, but also used sex with me. At that time you Why don't you say it?"

"At that time, if I hadn't escaped, the grass on the grave would be as tall as a person."

"Me?" Mu Fei opened his mouth for reasons, not knowing what to say. Seeing Yehuang was bored for a while, and he stopped talking nonsense to him, and said to Mu Zong, "I'll give you another chance, whether it's life or death, It's up to you to choose."

Mu Zong stared fixedly at Yehuang. If his son hadn't revealed Yehuang's identity, he wouldn't have recognized her at all. The girl in front of him was the bean sprout-like little girl a few months ago.

Thinking back when she fled to the back mountain, he once thought she was dead.Unexpectedly, she not only survived, but also grew a lot taller.In front of her, she has firm skin and smooth skin, willow eyebrows and slender waist, especially that face. Although she is not alluring, it is like a budding flower, with the embryonic form of beauty. Given time, she will definitely become a beautiful woman! Alluring beauty.

Of course, these are not the most important thing, the most important thing is that, in just a few months, she has risen from an ordinary person with no internal strength and no martial arts skills to a master, which shows how high her talent is , if they followed her, perhaps, it would be different.

"Have you figured it out yet?" Seeing that Mu Zong was only looking at her and said nothing, Ye Huang urged her with a displeased expression.

If it weren't for the sake of Mu Zong's usefulness, she would have killed him with a single sword, and she would not have wasted so much time as she is doing now.

"Think about it!" Mu Zong nodded.


"We agree to your conditions. In the future, Mujiazhai will belong to you, and you will be the master. However, I have two conditions."

Mu Zong is a smart man, he knows that he has no better way out except agreeing to Ye Huang.He agreed, but he didn't want the brothers and their families to endure hardships with him. He still had to mention some conditions.

"Tell me." The expression on Yehuang's face softened. She is not a robber, and she doesn't want to push him too hard. As long as the request is not too much, she doesn't mind giving it to him.

"People in the village don't sell their bodies; treat the brothers' family members kindly."

"Yes, but you must be absolutely loyal to me. Once I find that you are half-hearted, then don't blame me for being unkind."

What Ye Huang wanted was subordinates, not slaves, so she had no objection to Mu Zong's conditions and readily agreed.

Ye Huang let go of Mu Zong, and then said to him: "Now, combine the people in the village, I have something to say."

Yehuang always likes to make quick decisions when doing things. Since she wants to incorporate the cottage, it must be done in one go.Otherwise, she would not like to see constant troubles in the future.

Mu Zong's work efficiency was good, and he quickly gathered people in the square in the village.

Yehuang went up to the high platform, and looked at the hundreds of people standing in front of her, with a faint smile on her face.

 Continue at night!
(End of this chapter)

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