The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 110 Incorporating bandits

Chapter 110 Incorporating bandits ([-])

The people on the field stopped talking, and the eyes they looked at Yehuang no longer had contempt, but were replaced by admiration and admiration.

Especially Mu Fei, who was standing by the side, looked at Ye Huang with starry eyes, and his admiration was beyond words.Before, when he saw Yehuang put the sword on his father's neck, he still hated her.

But this time, after seeing her skills, he could hardly admire her, and an urge to worship her as his teacher was born in his heart.

Mu Fei looked at Ye Huang, wishing he could go up to her and worship her as his teacher.Later, it was Mu Zong who noticed his strangeness and took a look at him before he came back to his senses.

No one spoke, so Yehuang assumed that everyone had no objections.So I talked about my plans for the cottage today and the future of everyone.

When it comes to the future, everyone is most concerned about it.Because they were not bandits originally, but soldiers on the battlefield.Only because he lost the battle, he was angered by the one on the dragon chair, so much so that he wanted to kill them.

As a last resort, they had no choice but to become bandits.

Now Ye Huang told them that she could train them, and promised that if they learned well, they could become warriors again.

For a soldier, the battlefield is their real home.Being a bandit is really overkill.

After hearing Yehuang's words, they were a little excited.

"Miss Ye, are you serious?"

Even if he has been a bandit for decades, he still has the military spirit in his bones, and the desire to go to the battlefield to kill the enemy is still there.

"Of course!" Yehuang's words were decisive, giving people a convincing force.

In order to make everyone believe in him more, Yehuang briefly explained his identity, "My name is Yehuang, and the general Yefeng who is currently guarding the border is my grandfather."

As soon as this remark came out, the field exploded again, and everyone started talking.

"What, you are the granddaughter of General Ye? No wonder you are so strong in martial arts at such a young age."

"A tiger father has no dog daughter!"

"Miss Ye, we believe in you!"


Seeing everyone excited, Yehuang smiled.Then let the family break up, and returned to the meeting hall with Mu Zong, threw the plan he had written before to him, and said his request.

After the confession, Yehuang didn't stay in the cottage for much longer and went back to the bamboo building.

Back at the bamboo building, Ye Huang saw Murong Jue.

"Master, you are here."

"Girl, not bad!" Murong Jue looked at Ye Huang and praised her.Before that, he had been standing on the bamboo tower watching, and he could clearly see Yehuang's actions to subdue those bandits.

"Hehe, it doesn't matter who taught it, does it?" Ye Huang patted Murong Jue's flattery with a smile, which made him even more happy.

"That's right, my apprentice, Murong Jue, is definitely the most powerful." Murong Jue was extremely proud, with a terrified expression on his face.

Seeing such a master, Ye Huang felt amused, took his hand into the house, and opened the passage to the valley.

Walking on the road, Yehuang became thoughtful.

When she incorporated the cottage, she had to be responsible to them and make the people in the village live a good life.We can't let them go out to rob houses every day.

She also saw just now that the people in the cottage are having a hard time, so she plans to improve their lives.

And the best way to improve your life is to open a shop.So she had to make a plan as soon as possible, otherwise all her future plans would be useless without money.

Back in the valley, Yehuang shared her thoughts with Murong Jue.He looked at Yehuang for a while, then turned and went back to the room, then took out a box and handed it to Yehuang.

Yehuang took it, opened it, and was stunned.

 It's five o'clock!

(End of this chapter)

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