The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 112: Three Years With a Flick of the Fingers

Chapter 112

After Ye Huang explained the matter to Mu Zong, she was about to watch the training of the brothers in the village.At this time, Mu Fei ran out from an unknown corner and blocked her way.

"Ye... Village Master!" Mu Fei looked at Yehuang, and originally wanted to call her by name.But when she thought that she was the boss of the Mu family village now, she changed her words again.

"Village Master?" Hearing this address, Ye Huang twitched the corner of her mouth fiercely.Such a title with bandit characteristics made her somewhat incapable of accepting it.She looked at Mu Fei and said, "You should call Yehuang or Boss, it sounds more pleasant to your ear."

"Then I'll call you Miss Ye." Mu Fei hesitated for a while and said.He felt it was impolite to call Yehuang by his name, so let's call him the boss. Yehuang was not as old as him, so he couldn't call it out.After much deliberation, I decided to call her 'Miss Ye'.

"Whatever you want." It's just a title, and Yehuang doesn't care, as long as it's not 'Village Master'.

"You have something to do with me?" Yehuang asked involuntarily when she saw Mu Fei's expression on the line.Otherwise, I have to wait for him to speak, and I don't know how much time I will waste.

"Miss Ye, can you take me in as an apprentice?" Mu Fei was uneasy for a while, and finally mustered up the courage to tell his reason for coming.

"Accept you as an apprentice?" Yehuang was a little surprised, looked Mu Fei up and down for a while, only to find that this kid has a good foundation, a good material for martial arts, and his breath is calm, it seems that he has a foundation.

For this, Yehuang was not surprised, after all, Mu Zong's martial arts were there, how could it be possible for me not to teach my son a few tricks.

So, she glanced in Mu Zong's direction, and said to Mu Fei, "Let me see what moves you make."

As soon as Mu Fei heard this, he found a guard and took a big knife. Without saying a word, he used Mu Zong's sword skills.

Yehuang watched quietly for a while, she learned pretty well, and her moves are also proficient, but some moves are not in place and can't achieve the best effect.

Moreover, this set of sword skills Ye Huang watched Mu Zong use it once, and he learned it himself. After going back, he also made some changes. He practiced it again this morning, and he felt that it was much more powerful than the original moves.

After Mu Fei finished practicing the whole saber technique, Yehuang took the big saber in his hand, "Look out!"

After the sound fell, Yehuang performed her modified moves again.

Mu Fei watched intently, his eyes wide open.What Yehuang used was exactly the set of saber techniques he had just practiced, but upon closer inspection, it was somewhat different.It was more coherent and stricter than the one he used before, and even when Yehuang used it, he felt a different force and coercion than usual.

In short, the set of saber techniques that Yehuang used seemed to be much more powerful than what he just used.

"Do you remember?" Yehuang stopped, looked at Mu Fei who was in a daze and asked.

"Eh?" Until then, Mu Fei came back to his senses and stared blankly at Yehuang. He was too busy sighing and comparing just now, and didn't remember the moves.

"Didn't remember?" Yehuang frowned, and glanced at Mu Fei lightly.

"I'm stupid, can you do it again?" After speaking, Mu Fei was afraid that Yehuang would be angry, so he continued, "Don't worry, I will definitely remember this time."

"Okay, watch it, I'll only demonstrate this one time." After Yehuang finished speaking, she started to practice again.

This time, Mu Fei looked more carefully, and he was also smart and familiar with this set of saber techniques, so he really memorized them all.

(End of this chapter)

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