The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1188 Prime Minister Sima

Chapter 1188 Prime Minister Sima ([-])

After washing off the dust all over the body, everyone went back to the house to rest after eating.

In the room, although Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were lying on the bed, they were not sleeping and were still talking.Of course, their topic was not others, but Sima Feng.

At the beginning, they didn't know that Sima Feng was behind them. They didn't know until the dark guard came to report during the break halfway.

The first moment he heard the news, Shangguan Yuntian's expression darkened, and then he asked the hidden guard to keep a close eye on him to see what he wanted to do.

However, along the way, Sima Feng didn't do anything, even when they stopped to rest, he didn't take a step closer, as if he was really just going along the road, just happened to be on the same road as them.

Sima Feng was so quiet, Shangguan Yuntian couldn't do much.When it was Fengyun Third Young Master, he went to talk to Sima Feng when he had time.

Of course, he also asked out the doubts in his heart before.When he learned that Sima Feng had no conflict with Shangguan Yuntian, he felt relieved.

Yehuang didn't care about Fengyun Third Young Master going to talk to Sima Feng.She knew that the two were friends since childhood, so she didn't stop them.

As for Shangguan Yuntian, although he didn't say anything on the surface, it made people secretly wary.If Third Young Master Fengyun dared to do anything that would be detrimental to Ye Huang, or if he dared to help Sima Feng who came to rob him, then he would not make it easy for him.

Fortunately, Third Young Master Fengyun didn't do anything, and Shangguan Yuntian was surprised that he was worried about whether there was a conflict between the two of them.

He didn't expect Third Young Master Fengyun to be so sensitive, and he knew that he didn't like Sima Feng just by one side.But that's good too, at least Third Young Master Fengyun knows his attitude towards Sima Feng.

In the future, he would think carefully about what he would do for Sima Feng.

"Yuntian, are prime ministers so free?" Yehuang leaned on Shangguan Yuntian and asked with a smile.She also saw that Sima Feng followed them on purpose.

In fact, many times, he could have left first, but he just waited until after they left.Isn't it obvious that you want to follow them?
Yehuang couldn't figure it out, why did Sima Feng follow them?Besides, as the prime minister of Donghua Kingdom, shouldn't he handle state affairs in court?How can there be time to wander outside.

That's right, in Yehuang's eyes, this Sima Feng was just swaying.Although he appeared outside the gate of Wusia City before, he did not enter the city, obviously he did not intend to go home.

Since he didn't go home and followed them, there must be a reason.It's just that Yehuang didn't think of it at all, the reason was on her body.

As for Shangguan Yuntian, he knew it well, but he didn't want to tell Yehuang.Since Ye Huang was slow to deal with emotions, and didn't realize the difference between Sima Feng and her, he wouldn't foolishly point it out.

"Not idle!" Shangguan Yuntian shook his head, Dazhao's prime minister was busier than the emperor, how could he be idle?As for why Sima Feng is so idle, it must be the emperor's permission.

Shangguan Yuntian once heard that Yehuang had saved the life of the emperor of Donghua, so it was reasonable for the emperor to give Sima Feng a holiday.

Now he was sure that Sima Feng had a crush on Yehuang, but he didn't know what the emperor of Donghua had in mind.

One thing is for sure, that is, he is very special to Yehuang, otherwise he would not have allowed Sima Feng to act like this.

It's just that Shangguan Yuntian doesn't know what the emperor of Donghua Kingdom thinks now.However, it was absolutely true that Sima Feng had plans for Ye Huang.

(End of this chapter)

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