The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1191 Arriving at River City for the First Time

Chapter 1191 Arriving at River City for the First Time ([-])

"It's not bad to watch the excitement." Shangguan Yuntian hugged Yehuang into his arms, played with her fingers, and comforted her.

He knew she was bored and wanted to have fun.

Before that, he might have let Yehuang play a game, but now that it involves the imperial court's suppression of martial arts practitioners, they'd better not get involved in this muddy water.

"It's fun to watch other people's fun." Ye Huang said a little unwillingly. She still wanted to have a good time while she was young and had no burden, but she didn't want her plan to keep up with the changes.

I don't know what kind of style that Emperor Donghua is playing, but he would even think of attacking martial arts people in the martial arts conference.

Could it be that those martial arts people did something rebellious?

"There will be opportunities in the future." Shangguan Yuntian laughed and rubbed Yehuang's hair.The martial arts conference is held every five years, if you miss this one, there will be another one.

"Maybe." Yehuang was not as optimistic as Shangguan Yuntian, and it was not certain whether they would have time to come out after five years.

Of course, if the martial arts conference is held in Dazhao five years later, there may be a chance.

"It will definitely." Shangguan Yuntian assured with a serious face that he would definitely do what he promised Ye Huang would do.

This is his promise to her and his responsibility to her.This time, Ye Huang failed to compete with those masters on stage, and there will definitely be a chance next time.

For Shangguan Yuntian, as long as Yehuang wanted to do something, he would try his best to help her do it.

"Okay, I believe you." Looking at the serious Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang couldn't help but nodded.She knew that Shangguan Yuntian never lied to her, since he said it, he would definitely do it.

"Okay, don't think about it, you've been shopping for a long time, and you're tired, go rest." Shangguan Yuntian laughed, and walked towards the big bed beside Yehuang with his arms around her.

Lying on the bed, Yehuang soon fell asleep.Shangguan Yuntian watched Yehuang fall asleep, then got up from the bed again, then went out of the room, and said to Qin Chao who was guarding outside: "Send a letter to Sima Feng, just say I thank him."

"Yes!" Qin Chao responded, and made a gesture towards the dark.Immediately someone passed the news to Sima Feng.

Sima Feng who left the town did not walk fast.He was not in a hurry to return to Beijing, and followed Ye Huang and his party, walking and strolling.

When he received Shangguan Yuntian's letter and heard Shangguan Yuntian thanking him, he curled his lips into a smile.It appears that he was right.

And the reason why he would leave such a letter was because of the information accidentally revealed by Fengyun Third Young Master.When staying in the small town in front, Fengyun Sanshao chatted with him and said something about Yehuang's desire to participate in the martial arts competition.

After hearing the news, he has been thinking about how to stop her.It's a pity that Shangguan Yuntian came to him before he found the opportunity.

Later, he followed Shangguan Yuntian's advice and planned to let Yehuang go completely and leave early.Since he couldn't see Ye Huang, he had no choice but to write to remind her.

Sima Feng was in a good mood, so he didn't leave, and directly told his followers: "Let's find a place to rest in front."

Hearing this, the attendant was taken aback for a moment, but quickly agreed.As a follower, the master is what he says.Even though he was surprised and curious, he never asked too many questions.

Sima Feng's entourage is also capable, even if they left the town and missed Sutou, they still found a farmhouse that seemed to be in good condition to live in.

 The fourth watch is over!However, the family is busy with farming and is as tired as a cow. . . .

(End of this chapter)

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