The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1193 Arriving in River City for the First Time

Chapter 1193 Arriving in River City for the First Time ([-])

Seeing his gesture, some hidden guards immediately chased in the direction Murong Jue left.

"I've sent someone to look for it, so don't worry about it." Shangguan Yuntian put his arms around Yehuang and headed towards the destination they had chosen from the beginning.

After walking for about a quarter of an hour, the two finally arrived at the King Yu Building, a seven-storey building facing the river.King Yu Ouyang Yu was once the younger brother of the founding emperor of Donghua, and was named King Yu.This King Yu Tower was built for him.

Of course, the reason why the King Yu Tower is so famous is that, apart from King Yu being the younger brother of the founding Emperor Donghua, the more important thing is that several top scholars recited poems and painted paintings in this tower, and many well-known poems were spread.

When Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang walked up the tall building, they unexpectedly saw Murong Jue. He was sitting with his friends on the fourth floor near the window, reminiscing about the old days and watching the scenery.

Outside the window, at a glance, the rippling water is the Luo River, the famous mother river of Donghua.

"Master!" Ye Huang shouted happily, then waved to Murong Jue.Murong Jue, who was reminiscing with his friends, heard Yehuang's voice and looked towards her.When she saw that she was being blocked outside, but desperately gesturing to him, she couldn't help laughing, and said to the old friend on the opposite side: "That's my apprentice and her husband-in-law, let them come in."

The friend sitting opposite Murong Absolute glanced at Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian, then gave a slight signal to the subordinates guarding outside, and the two were let in.

"Master, you're walking really fast." Ye Huang walked up to Murong Jue, complained a little, then turned to look at the middle-aged man opposite.

It was a handsome handsome uncle, although he was not as handsome as Shangguan Yuntian, but he had a poetic temperament, which made him unforgettable.

Ye Huang watched for a long time before she came to her senses from Shangguan Yuntian's small movements, and then asked Murong Jue, "Master, this must be your friend?"

Murong Jue laughed when he heard the words, and said to Yehuang: "Huang'er, Yuntian, come, this is He Minzhi, the dean of Yujiang Academy, and the only friend of Master."

"I've met Dean He, Yehuang is very polite."

"I met Dean He."

"Minzhi, this is the apprentice Yehuang I mentioned to you, and this is her husband-in-law Yuntian."

He Minzhi took a look at Ye Huang, then laughed, took off a jade pendant from his body and handed it to her, saying: "Since you are Ah Jue's apprentice, you are also my junior, you should take this meeting gift first." Let's go. When I go back, I'll find another good thing for you."

"Thank you, Dean." Ye Huang thanked the elder happily.

Afterwards, He Minzhi turned his head to look at Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "As for your gift, I can only make it up when I go back."

"Dean He is too polite. Yuntian wants to ask for a copy of Dean He's calligraphy. I wonder if the dean can grant it?" Shangguan Yuntian said with a smile. He had long heard that the calligraphy of the dean of Donghua Yujiang Academy was worth a thousand gold. Although he is neither a literati nor a poet, he still wants to see him.

"Okay!" He Minzhi readily agreed, he didn't expect Shangguan Yuntian to beg for his calligraphy, after all no matter in terms of clothes or temperament, Shangguan Yuntian is not an ordinary person.

For such a person, he would never take the initiative to offend him. It's just a pair of calligraphy. It just takes a little time but he can make friends with a valuable person. Why not do it?
"Thank you, Dean." Shangguan Yuntian thanked, and then sat down beside Ye Huang.

At this time, He Minzhi's attendants had brought pens, ink, paper and inkstones and put them on the table.

(End of this chapter)

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