The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1196 The prime minister was robbed

Chapter 1196 The Prime Minister Was Robbed ([-])

"It's just you, you still know you're embarrassed?" Murong Jue joked again after hearing what was said, which made Ye Huang's face blush a little more.

Shangguan Yuntian at the side looked at the bickering between the old and the young, with a faint smile on his face.Yehuang, who can act like a baby and bicker like this, looks extra cute in his eyes,
Ye Huang and Murong Jue bickered all the way, and they didn't stop until they reached the eating place.

They chose a restaurant not far from Yuwang Tower, a century-old restaurant that serves authentic Jiangcheng cuisine.

"Several guest officers, please come inside quickly." Xiao Er saw the three people coming in, and immediately greeted them, and asked, "I don't know if they are in the private room or the lobby."

"Private room." Yehuang replied lightly, and the three of them followed Xiao Er to the private room on the third floor.The private room is facing the river, and you can see the Luohe River when you open the window.

"Okay, this is the room." Ye Huang settled down on the room, and then ordered some signature dishes before letting Xiao Er leave.

Not long after Xiaoer left, he knocked on the door of the private room with tea, snacks, and a few side dishes.

Yehuang was not interested in tea and snacks.Her eyes were all focused on those few side dishes.

A plate of fragrant and crispy peanuts, a plate of sauerkraut, a plate of dried fish, and a plate of wild vegetables that Yehuang couldn't name.

These dishes are appetizing, so after they came up, Yehuang took a look at Murong Jue and Shangguan Yuntian, and then said: "Master, Yuntian, I'm hungry, I'll start these small dishes first."

After finishing speaking, Yehuang put down the chopsticks directly, and then slowly began to taste.

Needless to say, the taste of these side dishes is really good, comparable to Nangong Yu's.Take that dish of sauerkraut as an example. It has a moderate sourness and a little sweetness. It tastes sour and sweet, which is very appetizing.

"It tastes good, Master, Yun Tian, ​​you should try it too." Yehuang said, picking up the common chopsticks, and was about to put them into the bowls of the two of them.

It's a pity that neither of them gave her face, one blocked her chopsticks, and the other took the bowl away.

"Master, Yuntian, you?" Yehuang looked at the two speechlessly, they just ate some sauerkraut, could they act like she gave them poison?
Seriously, this sauerkraut is really delicious.Especially now to eat a little before meals, especially appetizing.Maybe I can have an extra bowl of rice in a while?
"Huang'er, since you like it, then you can eat more, and we can eat something else." Murong Jue moved the plate of peanuts in front of him while talking.

As a man, he naturally doesn't like those sweet and sour things.

The same is true for Shangguan Yuntian, although his taste has changed when he is with Yehuang, but he still stays away from sour things.

"That's right, Huang'er, you can eat that by yourself, and we can eat other things." As he said, Shangguan Yuntian's chopsticks reached for the plate of dried fish.

Caught one and took a bite, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes lit up immediately.

As expected of a century-old restaurant, the side dishes taste so good, he was looking forward to the signature dishes that Yehuang ordered before.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't have to wait long, and the dishes he ordered began to be served.The first one served is the Luohe Drunken Duck, which is said to be made from the wild ducks in the Luohe River and cooked with the best Nühong as the seasoning.

"This dish tastes good, Huang'er, try it." After Shangguan Yuntian tasted it, he couldn't wait to grab a piece and gave it to Yehuang.

Ye Huang was not polite, picked up the duck and ate it.

(End of this chapter)

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