The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1199 The prime minister was robbed

Chapter 1199 The Prime Minister Was Robbed ([-])

Seeing Qin Chao, Yehuang couldn't wait to ask.She was very interested in the woman who robbed Sima Feng. She even dared to rob a country's Prime Minister. If she was not brainless, she had something to rely on.

Now it seems that that woman is not without brains, so she can only rely on something.

"Found it, that woman is called Mingyue Huan, and she is the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa on Mingyue Mountain in Jiangcheng."

"Missy of Mingyue Villa? Why don't I know when there is a young lady in Mingyue Villa?" Yehuang frowned.She knew about Mingyue Villa, and she was a guest once.

But she had never heard of a young lady in Mingyue Villa, she only knew that Mingyue Villa had a young master named Ming Zhao, a very capable young man with a business mind.

Many of Guimen's business in Donghua's country are in cooperation with Mingzhao.

"Returning to Madam, according to the investigation of my subordinates, the eldest lady was found back less than half a year ago. However, as soon as the eldest lady came back, it turned out that the heir of Mingyue Villa, that is, the young master Ming Zhao, fell ill. terminally ill."

"What? Mingzhao is sick?" Ye Huang's face changed, and she didn't receive any news that Mingzhao was sick.Either Mingyue Villa concealed the news, or the people from Guimen didn't tell her.

However, if Mingzhao's illness is really related to the young lady who suddenly appeared, then it is very likely to be the first one.

Hearing Yehuang's tone was wrong, Shangguan Yuntian frowned slightly, and asked, "Huang'er, do you know Mingzhao?"

"Yes, he is my ghost gate's partner." Yehuang explained.Regarding the matter of Mingzhao's illness, she decided to investigate thoroughly.

Originally, Yehuang was still hesitating whether to intervene in Sima Feng's affairs.Now that Mingyue Villa was involved, she had no choice but to intervene.

No matter what, Mingzhao is a partner of Guimen.It is impossible for her to ignore the interests of the ghost gate.

"Since this is the case, let Qin Chao and the others investigate carefully to see what's going on?" Shangguan Yuntian was relieved when he heard that Ming Zhao was just a partner of Guimen.He didn't want to just get rid of a rival in love, and then another one appeared in a blink of an eye.

"No need, let the ghost gate investigate this matter." Ye Huang shook her head and rejected Shangguan Yuntian's proposal.

Although she and Shangguan Yuntian are husband and wife, but this is a matter of hell, it is better to handle it by yourself.

Obedient to Yehuang's words, Shangguan Yuntian was not angry, but explained: "Huang'er, I have no intention of interfering in the affairs of the ghost gate. It's just this time, don't you find it strange? Mingzhao is your partner , You didn’t even know he was sick, this matter itself is very suspicious. If the ghosts go to investigate, it’s easy to scare the snake away.”

"So, for the sake of secrecy, for the sake of safety, and in order not to startle the snake, let my people investigate."

After listening to Shangguan Yuntian's words, Ye Huang pondered for a while, thinking it made sense.So he nodded and said, "Okay, then I will trouble you."

"No trouble, Huang'er, we are husband and wife, your business is my business, why bother?"

Shangguan Yuntian saw that Ye Huang was willing to believe in him and rely on him, with a slight smile on his face, he ordered Qin Chao: "Go and find out what's going on? And that young lady who appeared suddenly, check it out." Where is she from?"

"Yes!" Qin Chao replied, and then left Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's room, and went to investigate Mingyue Villa according to a row.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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