The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1205 Ming Clan Moon Ring

Chapter 1205 Ming Clan Moon Ring ([-])

Hearing Fengyun Third Young Master's words, Yehuang frowned, and said to him: "Cousin, we may not see Sima Feng if we go today."

"Why?" Third Young Master Fengyun looked puzzled, since Mingyue Villa arrested Sima Feng, why did Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang go, but they couldn't see Sima Feng?
"You talk to him." Ye Huang had no time to explain to Fengyun Third Young Master, pointing to the book on the side, said: "You talk to him well, tell him who took your master away, she What kind of person is he?"

"Okay." Shuyan nodded, pulled Fengyun Third Young Master aside and muttered.

No one disturbed them, so Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian could have a good breakfast.After breakfast, Shuyan explained the matter to Third Young Master Fengyun.

After Fengyun Third Young Master knew that Sima Feng was kidnapped by Mingyuehuan, he became even more worried.He knew that Sima Feng's martial arts were not very strong, if the other party used his strength, there was nothing he could do.

How to do?
He was really worried, but Yehuang had already expressed his attitude before and refused to let him go.If he mentioned it again, it would be embarrassing for them.

After hesitating for a while, Fengyun Third Young Master finally said nothing.

Yehuang watched and finally nodded in satisfaction.

Shuyan and Third Young Master Fengyun left, but Qin Chao came back. His people have already found out what happened in Mingyue Villa recently.

It turned out that Mingyuehuan was indeed the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa and Mingzhao's younger sister.It's just that it was lost more than ten years ago, and it was not found until not long ago.

And after this Mingyue Huan returned to Mingyue Villa, looking at the wealth and honor in the villa, and thinking about her life in the country, she suddenly felt that Mingyue Villa owed her, so her temperament became more and more extreme, so that she finally became arrogant and domineering up.

Coupled with the guilt towards their daughter, Ming Feng and his wife pampered her very much. In the end, it turned out that as long as Ming Yuehuan wanted anything, she couldn't get it.

As time went by, Mingyuehuan became more unscrupulous. She not only robbed men, but also wanted to rob the family property of Mingyue Villa.

That's how Ming Zhao got sick.

But Ming Zhao is also a smart person. When he learned that Ming Yuehuan was targeting him, he avoided it as much as he could, and never had any direct contact with her.

But he took every precaution, but he still couldn't prevent it, so Mingyuehuan got his hands and was poisoned by her.

Ming Feng and his wife knew what Ming Yuehuan had done, but because of that guilt, they only said a few words to her and did not punish her.

As a result, Ming Yuehuan thought that Ming Feng and his wife had acquiesced to her actions, and made things worse.

Not only did she refuse to hire a doctor for Ming Zhao, she also put Ming Feng and his wife under house arrest.

It wasn't until this moment that Ming Feng and his wife regretted it, but it was too late.Mingyuehuan has already controlled Mingyue Villa in its hands.

"It seems that this Mingyuehuan's ambition is not small." Yehuang sighed after reading the information Qin Chao found.

I don't want to, but after Qin Chao heard this, he continued, "It's not only not small, it's simply audacious. Ma'am, you don't know that these materials are all superficial, and her real purpose of doing this is to believe in what Sima Cheng believed before. related to the matter mentioned in the

"What?" Not only Yehuang, but even Shangguan Yuntian was surprised.It seems that they underestimated the woman Mingyuehuan.

Also, how could she do such a thing without a backer.I just don't know whether she found this backer before returning to Mingyue Villa or after.

If it was found before, then her identity is very suspicious.

(End of this chapter)

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