The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1207 The Moon Ring Makes Death

Chapter 1207

If his wife is gone, does she have a chance?

Thinking of this, she looked at Xiang Yehuang with even more jealous and vicious eyes.At the same time, her mind was running fast, thinking of a solution to Yehuang.

Seeing the viciousness and jealousy in Mingyuehuan's eyes, Ye Huang knew what she was thinking without guessing, so she couldn't help but curled her lips into a sneer.

It seems that she had a high opinion of Ming Yuehuan before, thinking that although she was a bit unbearable, she was a smart woman.But she didn't want to, she was completely a woman who was dazzled by beauty.

"That's right, what advice does Miss Ming have?" Yehuang replied indifferently, looking at Mingyuehuan coldly.

"I don't dare to see the teacher, but I have taken a fancy to your man. I wonder if Madam can give up?" Mingyuehuan felt that Ye Huang was just a steward of the ghost gate, but she was the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa. Knowing how to choose, she is very confident in herself.

After finishing speaking to Yehuang, he turned his head to look at Shangguan Yuntian, made a shy look, and said, "Young master, I am the eldest lady of Mingyue Villa, and Mingyue Villa will also be mine in the future. You How about following Miss Ben?"

"No way?" A look of disgust flashed in Shangguan Yuntian's eyes, and he replied coldly.If it wasn't for Yehuang's acting, Mingyuehuan would definitely be a dead person at this time.

You know, what he hates the most is when others look at him with lustful eyes.Of course, except Ye Huang.If Yehuang looked at him like this, he would feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Man, what do you mean?" Ming Yuehuan's face turned ugly.Although Sima Feng had rejected her before, he had never felt so embarrassed.

Perhaps because of Yehuang's presence, Mingyuehuan's face was distorted.

"Master and you, are you worthy? Let me tell you, you are not even worthy of carrying my wife's shoes." Shangguan Yuntian replied lightly, then walked up to Yehuang, and said softly: "Huang'er, this The woman's mind is not clear, I don't think you can talk to her, why don't we change?"

"Okay!" Ye Huang looked at Shangguan Yuntian with a smile and nodded.

Afterwards, Yehuang looked at Mingyuehuan and said calmly: "Miss Ming, I think you may not be able to be the master of Mingyue Villa, let Mingzhao come out. I used to contact Mingzhao."

Ming Yuehuan was humiliated by Shangguan Yuntian's words, "You are not even worthy to carry my wife's shoes", but when she heard Ye Huang's mocking words, her face became even more ugly.

She gave Yehuang a hard look, and then shouted outside the living room: "Come here!"

After the sound fell, several guards came in, looked at Ming Yuehuan and asked, "Miss, what are your orders?"

"Give them to Miss Ben."


Ming Yuehuan watched the guards step forward, and ordered again, "Remember, don't hurt that man."

Hearing this, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's faces darkened at the same time.Especially Shangguan Yuntian looked at Mingyuehuan with a cold face, and said a few words softly, "You are courting death!"

As the sound fell, Shangguan Yuntian waved his sleeves, and a gust of wind blew towards Mingyuehuan.

Ming Yuehuan didn't expect that Shangguan Yuntian would do it as soon as he said it, and she didn't know martial arts at all, so she was directly swung to the ground by Shangguan Yuntian's strength.

Shangguan Yuntian didn't show mercy, that swing used ten percent of his internal strength.As a result, when Mingyuehuan fell to the ground, she felt a pain in her chest, a fishy sweetness in her mouth, and spit out a mouthful of blood.

 The fourth watch is over!

(End of this chapter)

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