The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1222: Many organs

Chapter 1222 There are many institutions ([-])

Dodging the flying knives, Qin Chao and the others murmured inwardly, it was dangerous.After that, they raised their heads and looked forward, and their expressions changed dramatically.

In front of them, bronze figures were staring at them.At first glance, it seems that they are glaring at them.

"Commander, these bronze men seem to be looking at us." One of his subordinates whispered.

"Yes, Commander, they seem to be angry." Another subordinate said, the bronze man was glaring at them with wide eyes, as if blaming them for not entering their territory.

"Everyone be careful, these bronze figures are weird." Qin Chao reminded, and then looked at those copper figures with a vigilant expression.

Eyes wide open.

Qin Chao and the others did not move, nor did the bronze man.The two sides confronted each other for a long time, Qin Chao and others finally lost their patience, so they moved.

As soon as they moved, the bronze figure also moved.One by one raised the bronze swords in their hands, and slashed towards Qin Chao and his men.

One eye, one trick, one style, regular and upright.But for some reason, when the bronze man moved, the actions of Qin Chao and others immediately became difficult.

"Commander, why are these bronze men so strange?" Everyone found this question and couldn't help asking Qin Chao.

"I don't know either, everyone should be careful." Qin Chao confessed while carefully approaching the bronze figures.

The bronze man obviously had no eyes, but as soon as he got close, they found them.One of the bronze men raised a big knife and chopped at his head, one stabbed at his chest, and the other chopped at his leg.

Qin Chao looked at it, cursed in a low voice, and then avoided it carefully.However, he avoided one wave, and the next wave came up again.

The same posture, the same movement made Qin Chao have to dodge again.However, something strange happened.Obviously he avoided it easily the first time, but this time he was almost injured.

Qin Chao was shocked, and became more and more afraid of these bronze figures.There are obviously no conscious things, but they seem to have souls, and they are more powerful every time.

what on earth is it?

Qin Chao looked at the bronze man in front of him in disbelief, and his expression was a little bad.The other brothers were the same, a little confused by the bronze man.

"Commander, why do these bronze men seem to be conscious?"

Qin Chao pondered for a while, and said: "These copper figures should not be conscious. The ones who are conscious are those who control these copper figures. There must be a general information room controlling the copper figures nearby, otherwise these copper figures would not be so powerful."

Qin Chao also just thought of this question just now, even if he beat him to death, he still didn't believe that the Bronze Man would be conscious.But their previous behaviors all showed their weirdness.

Therefore, Qin Chao thought about it, and felt that these bronze figures were probably manipulated by others.And that person must be able to see them, otherwise he would not have understood so clearly, and it would have been impossible to grasp the attack of the bronze man so accurately.

"Someone controls it? No wonder!" The brothers suddenly realized, then looked at Qin Chao and asked, "Commander, what should we do?"

"What should we do?" Qin Chao glanced at his brothers and said, "At this point, we can only get through."

"Okay, let's listen to the commander and rush over." The brothers looked at each other and came to Qin Chao's side.Afterwards, the brothers showed their weapons and attacked the bronze man.

Since the Tongren knew how to cooperate, why didn't Qin Chao and others not understand.Before, they fought on their own, and were suppressed to death by these bronze men who joined forces.

Now, they are also joining forces, and they want to see what the bronze man, or the person who controls the bronze man, will do?
(End of this chapter)

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