The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1244 Shadow Reappearance

Chapter 1244 Shadow Reappearance ([-])

The black shadow entered the forest and disappeared in a blink of an eye.The guard chased him all the way, but found nothing, so he had to go back the same way.

When he left the forest, he happened to meet Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian who were chasing after him, so he said: "Master, madam, my subordinates are incompetent, so I lost them."

"It's okay, since he appeared once, he will definitely appear a second time." Shangguan Yuntian said with a frown.I don't know if it was his illusion, but he always felt that the black shadow was intentional.

It was the same in the dungeon before, as if the black shadow deliberately led them to Ming Feng and asked them to save Ming Feng on purpose.

"Let's go, let's go back first." Ye Huang glanced at the forest in front of her and said calmly.They didn't bring many people with them today, so it's really not suitable to chase that shadow.

What's more, she just picked a lot of herbs, so she had to take them back and deal with them.Otherwise, the medicinal properties of some herbs will be lost.

"Okay, let's go back." Shangguan Yuntian nodded, agreeing with Yehuang's decision.Although he also wanted to know where the poison had gone, it was clear that now was not the time to investigate.

The group returned to Mingyue Villa, Ye Huang went to see Ming Zhao, and said hello to Ming Feng before leaving back to Jiangcheng.

Back in Jiangcheng, the first thing Ye Huang did was to deal with the herbs.But before dealing with it, she specially invited Murong Jue over.

To be honest, although there is no consultation fee for going to Mingyue Villa to detoxify Mingzhao today, he has gained a lot.Don't talk, don't talk, the herbs she picked are enough to offset Ming Zhao's consultation fee.

Murong Jue came to the place where Ye Huang lived, and was shocked when he saw the medicinal herbs in the yard, and asked: "Huang girl, are you going to rob?"

"Master, look at what you said, do I still need to grab it? As soon as I open my mouth, they have to obediently give me the things."

"Send it to you? You said that these herbs were given to you by others? Who is so generous and introduced them to Master." Murong Jue joked with a smile. It can be seen that the other party must have a medicine garden, otherwise it would be impossible to get it So many herbs come out.

As a doctor, if you are interested in anything, one is difficult patients, and the other is precious medicinal materials.

Although Murong Jue himself had grown a lot of medicinal herbs in the valley, compared to what he had seen so far, the varieties were still a little less, and this was also the reason why he wanted to get to know each other.

He was thinking, maybe he could ask the other party for some medicinal seeds and take them back to plant himself.

"Mingyue Villa!" Ye Huang spat out four words with a smile, and then began to process the medicinal materials.The medicinal materials she brought back today include both good medicine and poison.

Those poisonous medicinal materials were all processed by herself. Some of them were washed and dried, and some were directly processed into poison.

Murong Jue is dealing with good medicine that can cure diseases.

With the cooperation of the master and the apprentice, the medicinal materials were quickly processed.

"Girl, there are so many good medicinal materials, you can't use them all at once, why don't you share some with Master?" After finishing the work, Murong Jue came up with the idea of ​​medicinal materials.

"Okay!" Ye Huang readily agreed, but Murong Jue was taken aback for a moment, looked at her and said, "Girl, did I hear correctly?"

"Master, you're not old, of course you heard me right." Yehuang laughed, and signaled Dong and Xia, who were on the sidelines, to divide the medicinal materials into two, keep one for herself, and give the other to Murong Jue .

Murong Jue laughed happily when he heard the words, and said: "Haha, you are indeed my apprentice, you are generous."

(End of this chapter)

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