The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1250 Trapped in the mountains

Chapter 1250 Trapped in the Mountains ([-])

In Mingyue Villa, the master next to Wang Taishou was talking with Ming Feng, with an anxious expression on his face.

Before, as soon as he got the news, he rushed here on a fast horse in order to let Ming Feng and the others go out to avoid the limelight.

But he has been persuading him here for a long time, but Ming Feng has no intention of leaving.

"Brother Ming Feng, what's the matter with you? Go quickly. If you don't leave, it will be too late." The master was so impatient, he wished he could pack Ming Feng and take him away.

"Where can I go?" Ming Feng looked at the master, he didn't want to go, nor was he in a hurry.But he is gone, what about Mingyue Villa?What about others?
"Brother Ming Feng, if you keep the green hills, you don't have to worry about running out of firewood. You have to think about it carefully, you are leaving now just to avoid the limelight, and you will come back." The master persuaded again, but Ming Feng was Determined not to leave.

In the end, the master had no choice but to leave alone.He planned to talk to Taishou Wang about the situation, and see if he could talk to Sima Feng and make room for him.

At this time, Yehuang and his party had arrived at the back mountain of Mingyue Villa, crossed the medicine garden, and were heading towards the forest.

They came to the mountain forest, looked at the dense forest, and searched for clues.

"Sect Master, there is a sign here." Dong and Xia searched around, and finally found the clue left by the person from the ghost gate.

Yehuang stepped forward, took a look at the clue, and then his eyes fell on the large forest in front of him.The clues left by the follower told them that the person who took Mingyuehuan entered the forest, and he himself entered the forest.

However, looking at the forest in front of him, Ye Huang felt a little uneasy.

"Huang'er, what's the matter?" Sensing Yehuang's strangeness, Shangguan Yuntian stepped forward and asked with concern.

"Yuntian, do you think this forest is a bit strange?" Yehuang turned to look at Shangguan Yuntian and said.Although she hadn't entered the forest yet, her intuition told her that the forest was dangerous.

"Strange?" Shangguan Yuntian heard the words, his eyes fell on the forest in front of him.Before Yehuang didn't remind him, he didn't feel it.Listening to what Yehuang said now, this forest is really a bit strange.

It seems that this forest was not formed naturally, but someone deliberately arranged it like this.

"Yes, it's strange." Yehuang trusted her intuition, looked back at the forest again, observed it carefully and said: "This forest seems to be deliberately arranged by someone, although it looks very natural, but it is this nature. , but it makes people feel deliberate.”

"You are right. It seems that there are secrets behind this forest."

"Yuntian, I have an idea, what do you think?"

"What do you think, let's hear it."

"We might as well go up to have a look." Yehuang smiled and pointed to the top of her head.What she meant was very clear, that is to go to the top of the tree to have a look.

It is said that only those who stand tall can see far. If this forest is indeed intentional, then they will always be able to see some clues when they go to the top of the tree.

"It's a good idea, we can give it a try." Shangguan Yuntian laughed after hearing the words.Then he stretched out his big hand, wrapped his arms around Yehuang's waist, flew up, and swept towards the top of the forest.

However, to their surprise, no matter how high they swept, they couldn't reach the top of the forest.

As a result, the faces of the two became serious. Although they couldn't fly to the top of the tree, and couldn't see what was going on in the forest, they already knew that the forest was really weird.

Unable to fly out, the two of them did not fly again, but landed, and then looked at the forest and thought deeply.

(End of this chapter)

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