The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1254 Ancient Formation

Chapter 1254 Ancient Formation ([-])
The more time they spend here, the less likely they are to catch up to each other.As for the collection in this secret room, they are not interested at all.

Now, the only thing they are interested in is where the mechanism is and how to open it.

After the two looked at each other, they began to search separately.Fortunately, there are not many things that can be used as organs here.

After the two ruled out the mechanism on the wall, they searched directly on the display shelf.There are two display racks in the room, and there are some porcelain in them.It is not uncommon to use such a decoration as an opening mechanism.

But for some reason, Yehuang felt that the owner of the house would not make such a low-level mistake.She felt that the other party would not put the mechanism on the display shelf.

But if the organ is not on the display shelf, where is it?
Yehuang's eyes once again observed the entire secret room.Soon, her eyes fell on a pot of flowers and plants in the house.

This is a pot of poisonous weeds, but also a pot of flowers and plants suitable for indoor planting.

Yehuang came to the pot of flowers and plants in a few steps, and after careful observation, she stretched out her hand.Of course, Yehuang didn't touch the potted flower directly, but turned around holding the flower pot.

Following her movements, there was movement on one of the walls of the secret room.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian heard the movement, looked up, and saw a passage behind the wall.The two looked at each other, then let go of the flower pot and walked into the passage.

As soon as the two entered the passage, the wall closed, as if it had never been opened.Hearing the movement behind them, neither Shangguan Yuntian nor Yehuang turned back, and walked directly to the end of the passage.

When Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian were looking for the people behind Mingyuehuan, the people led by Qin Chao had already captured the people in black.

After finishing the man in black, Qin Chao turned his head to look for Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian again, only to find that they had long since disappeared.

Qin Chao searched around, but after not finding the figures of the two, he walked into those houses without hesitation.

Fortunately, Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian left clues, so when Qin Chao entered the main house, he found the mark.

So, he took a few of his men, followed the marks left by Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang, entered the secret door and secret room, and chased them away.

Besides, the man in the cloak ran wildly after entering the passage.He knew that someone was chasing him, and he also knew that his identity could not be revealed, otherwise everything would be over.

So, halfway through his walk, he turned into a side road, took off his clothes, changed into the clothes of the man in black, and started walking in the passage again.

When Ye Huang and Shangguan Yuntian chased them along the passage, they still found nothing.

Looking at the empty passage as if no one had ever been there before, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang's expressions turned ugly.

Before, they clearly heard the voice, but in the blink of an eye, the person disappeared again.

"Huang'er, there is a fork over there, why don't we go and have a look?" Shangguan Yuntian first spotted the fork and said to Yehuang.

"Okay!" Yehuang nodded, since no one was caught up on the main road, maybe he could find something by taking a side road.

The two took a fork in the road.

The fork is not long, and at the end is a hut.Opening the door of the house, the black cloak inside was revealed.

Seeing the cloak that was casually thrown on the ground, Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang had guesses in their hearts.Yehuang stepped forward, took the cloak in her hand, put it between her nose and smelled it.

(End of this chapter)

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