The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 126 Heading to the border

Chapter 126 Heading to the border ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian couldn't understand why the emperor's attitude towards him was so different. He used to be the most favored prince, but from the moment he was plotted against five years ago, everything changed.

Why is this?

Could it be that something happened five years ago that he didn't know about?That's right, five years ago, he was all on the battlefield, only thinking about making contributions to protect the country and the people, and he didn't care about the affairs of the court at all.

I always think that I just need to be a general who defends my family and the country.Who would have thought that his outstanding achievements would not only make his brothers jealous and jealous, but also make the emperor guard against him.

So much so that he was disheartened five years ago after he was plotted against. If Yehuang hadn't appeared, if Yehuang hadn't cured the cold poison on his body, he would have been a dead man.

Fortunately, after three years of dormancy, the court and the harem were already full of his people, and now it was time for military power.As for the military power, Shangguan Yuntian believed that it would not be long before it would fall into his hands.

Thinking of Yehuang, a gentle smile appeared on Shangguan Yuntian's face, his fingers crossed the portrait, his eyes were a little dazed.

Huang'er, where are you?
Shangguan Yuntian thought for a while, got up and put away Yehuang's portrait, and left the study.

At this time, Yehuang had arrived at the town closest to the valley, and it was also the town where she asked Shiyu and Uncle Li to wait for her three years ago.

For three years, Shiyu and Uncle Li have settled down in the town, settled down, and lived a peaceful and happy life.

The only thing that made the two of them worry about it was that there had been no news of Yehuang in the past three years, but they did not give up either.No, two years ago, the two opened a tea shop on the official road from the small town to Cangluo City, asking passers-by for news about Yehuang.

Three years had passed, and they also suspected that Yehuang was gone, but they still asked passers-by from time to time.

Yehuang didn't pay too much attention to Shiyu and Uncle Li's affairs. She only let it go when she learned that the two had settled down in a small town as father and daughter in the first year.

Three years ago, she didn't want to meet Shiyu and the others, and she didn't want to contact them when she was going to the border three years later.

So, even though she knew that the two lived in the town, Yehuang didn't go to visit.She went directly to the market in the small town, picked a horse with decent legs, and entered a restaurant.

The restaurant is under the banner of Guimen, and Yehuang has lived here a few times, and the shopkeeper is quite familiar with Yehuang.

Seeing her enter the door, without saying a word, he took her directly to the wing room in the backyard.

Yehuang walked into the backyard with ease, and walked towards her usual room.

Before she could enter the room, the next room opened, and an acquaintance came out.

"Mu Fei?" Seeing Mu Fei who suddenly appeared, Yehuang was a little surprised, "Why are you here?"

"I'm waiting here specially for you." Mu Fei smiled with his lips curled up, really flattered.Yesterday, after the fourth team set off, he came directly to this town in order to wait for Yehuang so that he could go to the border with her.

Although, Mu Fei knew that Ye Huang was strong in martial arts and didn't need anyone to protect him, but he still wanted to go with her. After all, it would be good for the two of them to take care of each other, wouldn't they?

Moreover, he also wanted to go to the border to see what it was like to fight.

"Wait for me?" Ye Huang raised her eyebrows, glanced at Mu Fei, and asked, "You want to go to the border too?"

"Of course!" Mu Fei looked determined, but Ye Huang said, "Uncle Mu agrees?"

As soon as these words came out, Mu Fei's face instantly collapsed, and he said sadly: "Miss, can we not talk about him?"

(End of this chapter)

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