The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1262 Bingwei Villa

Chapter 1262 Bingwei Villa ([-])

She clearly remembered that Ming Feng had been locked up by her in the dungeon, how could he appear in front of her.

"Why do you think I'm here?" Ming Feng's expression darkened when he heard this, and stared at Mingyuehuan.Fortunately, he used to think that this daughter was a good one, but it was only because she had suffered too much since she was a child.

Therefore, whether it is him or his husband
Now it seems that this is not his daughter, she is clearly her enemy.

Since Mingyue Huan was recognized, how many things happened in Mingyue Villa?First he was ridiculed by fellow martial artists, and then Ming Zhao had an accident.Later, he and his wife were locked up by this evil girl.

Now, this evil girl has provoked the prime minister of a country again. She wants to destroy Mingyue Villa.

"You, shouldn't you be here..." In the middle of speaking, Ming Yuehuan quickly came to his senses, then looked at Ming Feng in shock and said, "No, how did you come out?"

Logically speaking, without her order, Ming Feng and the others couldn't get out at all.But now, Ming Feng came out.

Could it be that someone rescued Ming Feng?
Thinking of this possibility, Ming Yuehuan's face turned ugly.No wonder she found that the people in the village had changed a lot as soon as she came back, and none of her subordinates had disappeared.

Now, she didn't need to ask anymore, Ming Feng must have changed her person.

Ming Feng was furious when he heard this, stared at Mingyue Huan, and said: "If I don't come out again, the whole Mingyue Villa will be destroyed by you."

"What's ruined?" Ming Yuehuan looked at Ming Feng with displeasure, and said, "Isn't the villa good? Why did I destroy the villa? It's you, if you don't cultivate yourself in the dungeon and spend your old age peacefully, What are you doing out there?"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for Ming Feng to speak, Ming Yuehuan continued to ask: "By the way, where did you get my subordinates? Release them as soon as possible and return them to me."

"Mingyuehuan, what's your attitude?" Ming Feng was so angry that Mingyuehuan wanted to strangle her immediately.But when he thought of the officers and soldiers coming outside, and the disaster caused by Mingyuehuan, he had no choice but to endure it.

"What's wrong with my attitude? Let me tell you, if you are sensible, return him as soon as possible. Otherwise, if I can lock you in once, I can lock you in a second time." Ming Yuehuan confronted Ming Feng, That confident look made Ming Feng almost vomit blood with anger.

"You, you wicked girl." Ming Feng was trembling with anger, pointing at Mingyue Ring.

After a while, he took a breath and said, "Come here, arrest this wicked girl."

As soon as the sound fell, a guard from the villa immediately came in, reaching out to grab the bright moon ring.

Seeing the person who grabbed at her, Ming Yuehuan was furious, and shouted: "Who dares?"

Seeing Ming Yuehuan like this, the guard was stunned for a moment.It wasn't until Ming Feng's roar came again that he stepped forward to arrest him again.

"What are you still doing? Why don't you arrest her soon?"

Ming Yuehuan saw that Ming Feng was really coming, those guards were not afraid of her, they actually came forward to arrest her, her complexion became more and more ugly, she glared at Ming Feng and said: "You have to think carefully, dare to be arrested I, am I not afraid of retaliation afterwards?"

Hearing this, Ming Feng was furious again.Is he giving birth to a daughter?This is clearly an enemy.

Forget it, let's just pretend that I never gave birth to this daughter.

Ming Feng closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, he said coldly, "Take them away!"

Just as the guards took Mingyue Huan away, the steward hurriedly found Ming Feng and said anxiously: "Villa Master, Villa Master, it's not good, the officers and soldiers have surrounded the villa."

(End of this chapter)

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