The medical concubine is mad

1276 Chapter 1 1 catch all

Chapter 1276

Locked up alone, it seems that the situation is even worse.If all of this is false, then that one is likely to be the real boss.

Thinking about it, the two looked at each other, and then told Qin Chao: "Get ready for battle."

Hearing this, Qin Chao didn't understand anything, and quickly made several gestures towards his subordinates.At this time, the people in the prison also received the man's instructions and immediately took action.

The door of the first cell was opened, and the people inside rushed out instantly.At the same time, the people in several other cells also approached the cell door, unlocked the cell door, and rushed out.

Although they had been prepared for a long time, Qin Chao and the others were still taken aback when they saw the person rushing out.However, their reaction was quick, and in the blink of an eye, they blocked Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang.

"Master, madam, you go out first, leave this place to us." Qin Chao said, leading his brothers to fight each other in the cell.

The man who led Yehuang and the others was stunned when he saw this scene.Especially looking at the lively appearance of those who were locked in the cell before, I almost didn't blink my eyes.

What's happening here?He just went to the medicine garden to pick some herbs, and came back a step later, how did he become like this?
As for those wounded, why are they all so vigorous?

The man blinked, and after making sure that he was not mistaken, he finally understood a problem, that is, this is a pit, a deep pit to deceive them.

Thinking of this, the man couldn't help turning his head to look at Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.I thought, how did they see it?
You know, at the beginning, they came here together, why didn't he notice anything strange.No wonder, no wonder Shangguan Yuntian asked Qin Chao to send people to gather medicine, Ganqing had already seen something strange, and came to test them out.

Just as the man was thinking, he realized that Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian's eyes were not on the fighting people, but on the innermost cell.

Because everyone in the other cells came out, the person in the innermost cell suddenly became abrupt.

who is he?It can't really be a prisoner in Mingyue Villa, right?

The man was thinking about the identity of the other party, when Ye Huang's voice came from beside his ear: "Go and see who the other party is, and bring him here."

"Me?" The man pointed to his nose and asked Yehuang.

"That's right, it's you." Yehuang nodded affirmatively, and then said to him, "That might be a big fish, be careful."

"Me?" The man was about to refuse. Seeing the fierceness of those fighting, he was really scared.

But before he could say his refusal, Shangguan Yuntian's cold voice sounded: "Death, or bring someone here, choose one."

The man's expression changed when he heard this, and he turned his head to look at Shangguan Yuntian, seeing that he was not joking, so he bravely avoided the fighters and walked towards the cell inside.

When the man came to the cell, the person inside looked up at him, then lowered his gaze quickly.At the same time, the murderous look in his eyes flashed away.

Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian have been paying attention to each other, seeing the flash of killing intent just now.

Sure enough, the identity of this man is not simple.

The two hooked their lips together, waiting for the next development with interest.

The man standing in front of the cell didn't know why, but when he saw the man locked inside, a feeling of fear suddenly surged in his heart.

 Thank you for the reward from the old dream of the empty city, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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