The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1308 Shocking Secret

Chapter 1308 The Shocking Secret ([-])

Sima Feng left the room, but instead of going back to the hall immediately, he walked around the garden.As he walked, he wondered if the emperor knew about this matter, and whether he should remind the emperor.

Just as he was thinking, a black figure appeared in front of him, startling him, and when he was about to speak out, he heard what the other party said.

"My lord, the subordinate is Long Wei, and I have come to deliver a letter to you by the order of the emperor."

Sima Feng glanced at the other party suspiciously, but did not speak.The visitor took a look, took a badge from his waist, and handed it to Sima Feng.

"My lord, this is the badge of my subordinate."

Sima Feng took a look at the waist badge, confirmed the identity of the other party, and then asked: "Where is the letter?"

"My lord, here it is!" The visitor put away the badge and handed the letter to Sima Feng.

After receiving the letter, Sima Feng read it in front of the visitor.After he finished reading the letter, he raised his head and said to the visitor: "Tell the emperor that I already know. Let him rest assured that I will find a way to bring him back to the imperial city."

"This subordinate will pass on your words to the emperor. Your lord has this whistle, which can mobilize the nearby dragon guards for your use." After the man finished speaking, he handed Sima Feng a golden whistle.

Afterwards, the visitor quickly disappeared from Sima Feng's sight.

After the visitor left, Sima Feng put away the letter and whistle, and went to the hall to meet Yehuang and Shangguan Yuntian.

When Sima Feng arrived at the hall, Yehuang and the others were talking.Seeing Sima Feng coming in, the three of them stopped talking and looked at him together. Yehuang asked, "Are you done?"

Shangguan Yuntian glanced at him indifferently, but did not speak.And Fengyun Third Young Master stood up, and asked with a smile: "Brother Feng, can we go back now?"

To be honest, Third Young Master Fengyun is a little afraid to stay by Shangguan Yuntian's side now.He would rather go back to Jiangcheng to work for Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang than chat with them here.

"No hurry, I still have something to say to them, Third Young Master, go out first."

"Oh, good." Fengyun Third Young Master knew that there were some things that he was not suitable to know, so he quickly left the hall and went to the yard.

"Come on, what's the matter?" After Fengyun Third Young Master left, Shangguan Yuntian's eyes fell on Sima Feng, and he nodded slightly, indicating that he could start.

Sima Feng glanced at Shangguan Yuntian, then at Yehuang, and then said: "I will take those people you caught."

"You want to take it away?" Shangguan Yuntian looked at Sima Feng with a funny face, why should they hand over the person they worked so hard to catch to Sima Feng?

"Yes, I want to take it away, and bring it back to the imperial city." Sima Feng nodded. This is the mission entrusted to him by the emperor, and he must take him back.

"Why?" Yehuang couldn't help asking, why did she bring it back to the imperial city?

On the other hand, Shangguan Yuntian, as soon as he heard what Sima Feng said, he knew that it was not his own intention, but the emperor's intention.After all, he grew up in the power center since he was a child, so he is quite sensitive to such things.

So, after Yehuang asked this question, Sima Feng didn't need to answer at all, he told Yehuang directly: "The people above asked him to take it back, can he not take it?"

After being reminded by Shangguan Yuntian, Yehuang quickly understood, then looked at Sima Feng and said worriedly: "Bring them back to the imperial city safely, do you have someone?"

"Huang'er, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing at all. Even if he is unmanned, will the Donghua Emperor be unmanned?"

 Thanks to Yang Chenxi and this heart-wrenching 2 for the reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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