The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 131 Meeting and Not Knowing

Chapter 131

Ugly, really ugly.

Damn, the people in the painting look familiar.Taking a closer look, it turned out to be me.

So, Yehuang was depressed and her heart was blocked.

In two lifetimes, this was the first time she saw such an ugly painting.Of course, this can't be blamed on poetry, after all, she is just a girl, and Ye Huang was not favored in the general's mansion before, and she didn't learn any piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, so it is good to be able to draw poetry.

However, what Yehuang couldn't accept the most was that such an ugly painting was painted by herself.

Well, she was indeed ugly three years ago, but she wasn't so ugly.

Therefore, for a while, Yehuang almost cried ugly when he was painted.

It wasn't until Shiyu's words reached her ears that she came back to her senses and realized that the two of them opened this tea shed to find themselves.

At this moment, Ye Huang felt mixed emotions.She thought that Shiyu and Uncle Li had forgotten her a long time ago, that they had gone to their little days long ago, but she didn't expect that they were always thinking about her.

Ye Huang's eyes were slightly hot, and her voice choked up when she looked at the two of them.

"Poetry, Uncle Li!"

When Shiyu heard Yehuang calling her, she couldn't help being startled, she stared at her with wide eyes, and asked, "Girl, how do you know my name is Shiyu?"

After finishing speaking, Shiyu suddenly remembered that Yehuang not only called out herself, but also called Uncle Li, she was even more surprised and couldn't speak fluently.

"You, who are you, why do you know my father's surname is Li?"

Uncle Li on the side also looked at Ye Huang in surprise, and opened his mouth to ask her something, but he didn't ask her in the end.

Seeing the shock of the two, Yehuang laughed, raised her eyes to look at the two, and said, "Shiyu, Uncle Li, you have worked hard all these years."

This time, Shiyu and Uncle Li were even more surprised. After looking at Yehuang for a long time, they trembled and said, "You, are you Miss?"

"Shiyu, it's me!" Yehuang stood up, looked at Shiyu tenderly, and hugged her into her arms.

"I'm sorry, Shiyu, I made you suffer."

"Are you really Miss?" Shiyu raised her head and asked in disbelief.They have been looking for Ye Huang for three years, and they always want her to appear in front of them.

But when she really appeared, they couldn't believe it.

"Silly girl, it's me!" Yehuang rubbed Shiyu's head and hugged her into her arms again.

"Miss, miss, great, we finally found you." At this moment, Shiyu couldn't help crying anymore.

After three years of searching, she finally found Miss.

"Yes, you found me." Yehuang nodded, reaching out to wipe away the tears from Shiyu's face.

Uncle Li on the side watched Yehuang and Shiyu recognize each other, feeling a little embarrassed.He didn't expect that he could really find Ye Huang.In the past three years, if it weren't for Shiyu's persistence, he would have given up long ago.

After all, he had never heard of anyone who could survive the siege of wolves.

Once upon a time, he wanted to tell Shiyu that the young lady might be buried in a wolf's belly, but he was afraid that she would be sad, so he kept holding back.

But I don't want to, the poem is still right, the young lady is really still alive, and she is still alive so well.

Although the Yehuang in front of him was very different from three years ago, both in temperament and appearance, but he still believed that she was their miss.

Because this is what a young lady looks like in their minds, she is peerless and unparalleled.

It took a while for Shiyu to calm down. Seeing Yehuang's eyebrows and eyes curved, her heart and eyes were full of smiles.

The hard work paid off, she finally found the young lady, that's great!
 PS: Of course, three chapters are usually updated from [-]:[-] p.m. to [-]:[-] p.m., and two more chapters are updated at [-]:[-] p.m.

(End of this chapter)

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