The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1310 Shocking Secret

Chapter 1310 The Shocking Secret ([-])

Yehuang took Dong and Xia to wander around the villa, and met many people from the rivers and lakes.Everyone knows that she has good medical skills, so it is polite to see her.

The master and servant walked around the Mingyue Villa, and almost an hour passed. Just as they were about to go back, Fenghuaxueye and the others came.

Looking at the four people he found, Yehuang took them to the medicine garden in the back mountain.It's a remote place, not many people go there.

"What's the matter?" Ye Huang looked at the four of them and asked with a smile.Although they lived in the villa together with the four of them, in order to avoid suspicion and not expose their identities, the four of them never went to see Ye Huang even once.

Today, they heard that Yehuang was visiting the villa, so they dared to look for her.

"It's nothing, I just want to talk to the sect master." Yeyue said with a smile, with an off-the-cuff temper.Ever since they drank with Ye Huang that day, they had never seen her again.

To be honest, it was fake for them to attend the martial arts conference, but it was real for them to come to see Ye Huang.It's just borrowing the name of the martial arts conference.Otherwise, Ye Huang would definitely not let them come.

After hearing Yeyue's words, Yehuang rolled her eyes speechlessly, and said, "When can't you say something, you have to choose now? Don't you even look at how many Jianghu people's eyes are in this villa. What if you find out? manage?"

Yeyue didn't want to, but she didn't care, and said: "What are you afraid of, I said that I came to ask you for medical advice, who dares to say anything?"

As soon as these words came out, Yehuang really didn't know how to refute him, so she had to give her a glare in the end.

Seeing Yehuang's helpless look, Yeyue laughed happily.

After laughing, the four of them looked at Yehuang again and asked, "Master, did His Royal Highness the Crown Prince bully you when you went back that day?"

After hearing this, Yehuang couldn't help thinking about what happened that night, her face blushed, and she stared at the four of them and said, "What nonsense, how could he bully me? It's not bad for me to bully him. You know, sect master, what kind of temperament am I, who can bully me?"

"That's right. Unless the sect master is willing to be bullied by others, who would dare to bully the sect master." Yeyue blinked at Yehuang while talking.

"Shut up!" Yehuang glared at Yeyue, and warned: "If you talk nonsense like this again, believe it or not, I will make you speechless for a month."

"Master, please forgive me, I don't dare to do it again." As soon as Yeyue said this, Yeyue immediately surrendered.He will never forget that he was once dumbfounded by Ye Huang and couldn't speak for three months.

It was the darkest day of his life.

So, he'd better shut up obediently and stop talking.

Yeyue finally closed her mouth, and Yefeng, as the eldest of the four, spoke up and said, "Master, we are all very happy that you have a good home. We discussed it before and are going to send you off." A big gift. However, considering that you are in Donghua now, you may not be able to take the big gift back home. Therefore, we decided to give it after you go back."

"Big gift, I wonder what you plan to give me? I can declare in advance that if the gift is not big enough, I won't accept it."

"This is a secret. You will know what the big gift is when the time comes. But don't worry, this gift is definitely big enough."

Night Breeze said with a smile, he specially emphasized the big character.Because what they prepared is really a big gift.But this is big, not that big.

Thinking of the big gift they prepared, I don't know if His Royal Highness will go crazy after seeing it.Night Breeze thought badly.

(End of this chapter)

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