The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1338 Master-Apprentice War

Chapter 1338 Master-Apprentice War ([-])

"Me, when did we plot against you?" Xi Shui Ling stared at Ye Huang and asked sternly.

"When?" The smile on Yehuang's face deepened, and he said, "Who led me to this lotus pavilion before, and who went to the yard to hook up with my husband and bring him here Here? And how did these friends from the rivers and lakes come here?"

"I don't think I need to elaborate on these?"

People in Jianghu are not fools, after hearing what Yehuang said, and what they saw after coming here, they somewhat understand.

What's more, there are Feng Hua Xue Yue Si in the crowd.They failed to help Yehuang before, but now they will not miss the opportunity.

So, after Yehuang's voice fell, Yefeng opened the door first, and said, "Mrs. Shangguan didn't say anything, I haven't thought about it, but I remembered it now. The head of the district asked us to appreciate some lotus flowers." , and said that he would treat us well.”

"That's right, that's what the head of the district said."

"Indeed, otherwise I wouldn't have come."

Hearing that someone agreed with him, Night Breeze paused and said again, "But look here, are there any lotus flowers?"


"Is there a place to entertain us, or something to entertain us?"


"In this case, the intention of the head of the district to call me here is worth pondering."

"Indeed." Everyone nodded in agreement.

Night Breeze's words ended here, so he stopped talking.No one present is a fool. If you still can't understand such a simple matter, then you don't deserve to be a hero.

"From this point of view, it is really the master and apprentice of the district master who wants to plot against Mr. Shangguan and Mrs. Shangguan."

"Yes, why would they do this? It doesn't make sense."

"Shangguan's wife is a good person, not to mention superb medical skills, she is also a good person."

"Maybe it offended the Hengshan faction somewhere."

The three masters and apprentices of Xishuiling blushed with embarrassment when they heard these words, especially Cheng He had fully recovered his sanity, thinking of the stupid things he had done before, he wished to find a crack in the ground to sneak in, and at the same time, he became more and more jealous of Ye Huang. I became afraid.

Now he fully understands that the cup worm that should have landed on Ye Huang's body has already landed on Xi Shui Ling, otherwise he would not have been caught before.

But when Yehuang moved his hands and feet, he didn't know at all.At this time, he was also a little lucky, glad that he didn't listen to Xi Shuiling's words to plot against Yehuang, otherwise he wouldn't know how he died.

Xi Shuiling's face was also red, not only from embarrassment, but also from anger.But she was not reconciled to being brought back by Ye Huang, she still wanted to blame Ye Huang for what happened to the three of them, master and apprentice.

So, she looked up at everyone, with a sad and grievance on her face, and said, "Don't be fooled by her. If it is true that our Hengshan faction plotted against their couple, why are there nothing wrong with them? Is there something wrong with the three masters and apprentices?"

Yeyue didn't speak all the time, but after hearing Xi Shuiling's words, she finally found a chance to speak, and said, "You asked a good question."

"What do you mean, son?" Xi Shuiling looked at Yeyue with a puzzled face, not understanding what he meant.

However, Yeyue ignored Xi Shuiling, walked out from the crowd, and said to everyone, "You all know me, don't you?"

Without waiting for everyone to answer, Yeyue laughed, reported her family name, and said, "I am Yue, the Pavilion Master of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion of the Ghost Sect."

As soon as the words came out, everyone looked at Yeyue in shock at first, and then their eyes became eager.He is the Pavilion Master of the Ghost Doctor Pavilion, so he must not be offended.

(End of this chapter)

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