The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1353 Disfigured and Disabled

Chapter 1353 Disfigured and Disabled ([-])

After hearing this, Cheng He's expression became ugly, and he asked, "What good deeds are you going to do again?"

"Eldest brother, no, no, we didn't do anything." The younger brother looked at Cheng He nervously, and dared not admit what they had done.Otherwise, he was afraid that the elder brother would not care about Xi Shuiling at all.

"Didn't do it?" Cheng He sneered, he didn't believe the younger brother's words at all, and said: "If I didn't do it, why was the younger sister locked up?"

"Eldest brother, we really didn't do anything, you have to believe me." The younger brother looked at Cheng He, as if he really didn't do anything.

At this time, he was nervous and anxious. He was nervous because he was afraid that Cheng He would see something, and he was anxious because if he didn't save Xi Shuiling, it would be dawn soon.

"Believe you?" Cheng He sneered, he was [-]% sure that Xi Shui Ling must have done something again, otherwise Ming Zhao would have someone lock her up.

It's just that if the junior brother doesn't tell, he doesn't know what the other party has done.It's just that he doesn't want to save Xi Shuiling, after all, since she made a mistake, she has to pay the price.

However, just when Cheng He decided not to save Xi Shuiling, the head of the district suddenly opened the door and came out, seeing Cheng He and his little apprentice standing at the door, and said, "Why are you still standing here? Why don't you go quickly?" Rescue Ling'er?"

Hearing the head of the district, Cheng He was a little surprised, and said: "Master, junior sister, she must have done something wrong, otherwise how could Master Ming let someone lock her up?"

If it was before, the head of the district might think about it after hearing this.But at this time, he was already controlled by the concentric cup. After hearing this, he waved his hand and said, "Don't say anything, it's important to save people first."

"Master?" Cheng He called out, and was about to persuade him again, but for some reason, what he said was, "Let's go, let's save Junior Sister."

Seeing Cheng Hyuk's sudden change of attitude, not only the head of the district was surprised, but the younger brother was even more surprised.

No matter what he said before, no matter how much he persuaded, Cheng He never let go.But now, as soon as the master appeared, why did he let go?
"Don't be dazed, why don't you take us there?" Looking at the dazed little apprentice, the head of the district couldn't help but yelled.

"Yes, I'll take you there right away." The little apprentice came back to his senses, and led the two of them to the place where Xi Shui Ling was imprisoned.

The appearance of the three of them was quickly noticed by the guards, who yelled, "Who?"

The district head, the master and the apprentice did not speak, but went forward and raised their hands.Xi Shuiling in the room couldn't help but curled up her lips when she heard the movement, with a proud expression on her face.

She felt that there was nothing wrong with putting the concentric cup on her master and senior brother, at least now that she was in trouble, they would come to save her.

The head of the district and Cheng He's martial arts were good, and it was no problem to deal with four or five guards. After a short while, the four guards were beaten to the ground.

After solving the guards, the head of the district directly took out the key from one of them and opened the door.

As soon as the door opened, Xi Shuiling rushed out, threw herself into the arms of the head of the district, and said: "Master, master, you are here."

"Ling'er is good, it's all right." The head of the district patted Xi Shuiling's head, and then led her out of the room.

But as soon as they went out, a group of guards stopped them.

The leader glanced at the head of the district, and said indifferently: "The head of the district, you can't take her away."


(End of this chapter)

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