The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1356 The Conference Ends

Chapter 1356 The End of the Conference ([-])

Waving, Xi Shuiling patted the wolf's head one palm after another.But her strength is no different than scratching an itch for a hungry wolf.So, instead of letting go, the wolf bit her leg and dragged her aside.

Xi Shuiling was dragged by the wolf, her face was pale and she was full of despair.If she had known that she would meet a wolf, she would rather stay in the villa and be interrogated.

It's a pity that money is hard to buy, I knew it earlier.

Now, she has fallen into the wolf's mouth, and it is too late to say anything.

After dragging Xishuiling aside, the wolf let go of her legs and bit her neck again.For wolves, it's easy to bite off the opponent's neck first.

So, even though it had already bit off Xi Shui Ling's leg, he was still a little worried and wanted to bite off her neck as well.

Looking at the wolf's wide open mouth, Xi Shuiling didn't know where the strength and courage burst out, she endured the pain and raised her fist.

I don't know if the wolf underestimated the enemy, and was punched by Xi Shuiling in the eye.

With a whimper, the wolf became angry and threw himself at Xi Shuiling's neck viciously.Seeing that Xi Shuiling was about to die at the mouth of the wolf, the person who followed her secretly threw a small stone.

The stone mixed with internal force hit the wolf's body, which hurt it so much that it had to let go of Xi Shuiling, and then ran away in fright.

Xi Shuiling, who was waiting to die with her eyes closed, didn't feel the pain, so she couldn't help but opened her eyes.When she found out that the wolf had run away, she burst into tears of joy.

The people in the dark watched this scene indifferently, they didn't go down, and they didn't mean to take Xishui Ling back to the villa.

They did everything they could to save her life.If it weren't for the fact that she was not only a disciple of Hengshan Sect, but also a princess of Xishui Kingdom, they would not save her at all, and would let her die in the belly of a wolf.

Who made Xishui Ling do that, and hurt their mistress time and time again.

Xi Shuiling cried for a while, then put away her tears, then glanced at her broken leg, gritted her teeth and endured the pain, and moved towards the villa little by little.

Xi Shuiling knew that in her current situation, she had no choice but to go back to the villa.

As for those people in Jiangcheng, she no longer counted on them.

Fortunately, the sky soon brightened. Although Xishuiling hadn't moved far, Mingzhao sent people to look for it after receiving the report from his subordinates that Xishuiling had escaped.

Therefore, Xi Shuiling who was going back happened to meet someone sent by Mingzhao.

When Xi Shuiling saw the familiar costume of the guard of Mingyue Villa on the person who came, her heart relaxed, and she couldn't bear it anymore and passed out.

The guards brought Xishuiling back to the villa and notified Mingzhao.When Mingzhao saw Xishuiling who was bitten by wolves beyond recognition, with broken legs and arms, he didn't know what to say.

It is said that self-inflicted crimes cannot live.Sure enough.

This Xi Shui Ling has done so many crimes that even God can't stand it, and let her meet a wolf.You know, there have been no wolves around this Mingyue Villa for many years, but it happened to be met by Xi Shuiling, this luck...

Mingzhao sighed, and then ordered someone to find a doctor for Xi Shuiling, and at the same time, he also asked people to find the Hengshan faction who had been locked up.

The head of the district heard that Xi Shuiling had been found, and took Cheng He and the young apprentice back to the yard where they lived.

Just as soon as he entered the yard, he realized that the atmosphere was not right, so he asked a familiar friend, "What's the matter, what happened?"

The man glanced at the head of the district, patted him on the shoulder, and said: "My brother, it's pitiful, a good girl was bitten like that by a wolf."

 Thanks for the easy reward, thank you!

(End of this chapter)

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