The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 136 The Rascal Yuntian

Chapter 136 The Rascal Yuntian ([-])

Shangguan Yuntian stood up abruptly, he didn't care about eating or Qin Chao and the others, he untied the horse's reins and got on the horse's back.

"Master, where are you going?"

When Qin Chao came to his senses, Shangguan Yuntian was already riding a horse, chasing after Yehuang in the direction he left.

Seeing this scene, Qin Chao had no choice but to stop eating, packed his things directly, threw down a piece of broken silver, and together with another guard, Lin Cheng, got on his horse and chased after Shangguan Yuntian.

Besides, Shangguan Yuntian sat on his horse and hurriedly chased in the direction Yehuang left.In his heart, he blamed himself and was so angry that he wished to slap himself a few times.

The person he clearly misses is right in front of him, but he just doesn't recognize it.

What a fool!
Shangguan Yun just waved his hand and knocked down the big tree on the side of the road.

However, this still didn't make him fully vent, so he had no choice but to hold back, and then urged the horse under him to speed up and chase forward.

Yehuang and Mu Fei rode on horses and headed towards Cangluo City ahead.

Cangluo City is the largest city in the north, and it is also the first city to pass through on the way to Yao City. Because it is close to the capital, it is extremely lively and prosperous.

The distance between the tea shed and Cangluo City is a bit far, if they follow Yehuang's footsteps, they will arrive at the earliest in the afternoon when the sun is setting.

Neither Ye Huang nor Mu Fei rode any BMWs, and their footsteps were not fast.In addition, she didn't know that Shangguan Yuntian had recognized her and was chasing her, so she was not prepared.

Not only that, Yehuang was in a good mood because Shangguan Yuntian was suffocated before, and she was chatting with Mu Fei.

"Boss, do you know King Yun?" Mu Fei looked at Yehuang gossipingly.When he was in the tea shed before, he didn't recognize Shangguan Yuntian at first, until the other party said his name, he didn't know that the man in front of him turned out to be someone he had always admired.

In this world, Mu Fei only worships two people, one is the master in front of him, Yehuang, and the other is Shangguan Yuntian.

"Why are you asking this?" Yehuang turned her head and glanced at Mu Fei. She didn't like mentioning Shangguan Yuntian very much.

I don't know what's going on, but as soon as Shangguan Yuntian is mentioned, she will reject it in her heart and can't help being annoyed.

"Boss, what's wrong with you?" Sensing the change in Yehuang's mood, Mu Fei's expression was bewildered.What's the situation? He just asked if the boss and King Yun knew each other, and why the boss was so angry.

Could it be that there is something wrong between the boss and King Yun?
While Mu Fei guessed, he closed his mouth wisely.If it was as he had guessed, the boss would be angered for a while, but he would suffer.

"It's nothing." Yehuang didn't want to say more about Shangguan Yuntian, but for some reason, his mind was full of images.

The poisonous ones, the rogue ones, the ones fighting the enemy together, the ones blocking the sword, in short, at this moment, the figure of Shangguan Yuntian occupied her whole brain, which made Yehuang more annoyed, wishing to delete all these pictures.

It's just that the more she wanted to delete these images, the more deeply rooted these images became, which made her complexion worse, and the air pressure around her also dropped a bit.

Mu Fei felt the strangeness of Yehuang, and he was afraid in his heart. He glanced at her carefully, and deliberately lagged behind by a few steps.

Just kidding, if the boss loses control of his anger, it will be a disaster for him.

Behind him, one person and one rider are rushing forward.

(End of this chapter)

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