The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1370 Yuntian’s Birthday

Chapter 1370 Yuntian's Birthday ([-])

"Huang'er, what do you need, can I get it for you?" Seeing Yehuang sitting down, Shangguan Yuntian said with a smile.

When preparing the table for two, I also thought it would be more convenient if Ye Huang wanted to use it.

However, at the beginning, only tables and chairs, pens, ink, paper and inkstones were prepared, and they had not had time to prepare.If Ye Huang wanted to use it, he could use his first.

"Pen, paper." Yehuang pointed to the things on Shangguan Yuntian's table and said with a smile.

"Here!" Shangguan Yuntian put the pen and paper on Yehuang's table, and asked again: "What else do you want?"


Shangguan Yuntian immediately helped grind the ink.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's movements, Yehuang's face was full of smiles, and then quietly waited for him to polish the ink.

After a while, the ink was finished, Shangguan Yuntian brought the ink to Ye Huang, and said with a smile: "Ma'am, it's done."

"Thank you husband." Yehuang blinked mischievously, replied to Shangguan Yuntian, then pushed him back to the opposite side, and said, "Start working."

Shangguan Yuntian gave Yehuang a sad look, and then obediently went back to his desk to work.In fact, he just wanted to see what Yehuang was going to write, but unfortunately Yehuang didn't let him read it, he was sad.

Yehuang didn't care how sad Shangguan Yuntian's eyes were looking at her, she pretended not to see it, lowered her head and began to write seriously.

However, she is really not used to using a brush, even though her calligraphy is not bad.

After writing for a while, she was tired, so she wanted to write with another pen.At this time, she really missed modern pens, ballpoint pens and pencils.

These pens are not only fast to write, but also don't tire your hands.

"Huang'er, what's the matter?" Shangguan Yuntian couldn't help asking concerned when he saw Yehuang's frowning expression.

"It's okay, you are busy first, I'll go change a pen." Ye Huang waved her hand, stood up and left the study.

Shangguan Yuntian opened his mouth, and was about to say that he would change it for her, when he saw Yehuang walking away.He could only shake his head, then got up and left the study.

After Yehuang left the study, she immediately found Dong, and ordered: "Dong, go and prepare some thick geese and some pieces of charcoal for me."

Dong listened to the words and didn't ask any further questions, just turned around and went looking for something.

Fortunately, these things are available in the kitchen, so I will come back after a while.

When Shangguan Yuntian found Yehuang, he saw Dongzheng handing the goose feather and charcoal to Yehuang, and asked, "Huang'er, what do you want these two things for?"

"Pen." Yehuang didn't lift her head, she took the things and started to fiddle with them.First she made two quill pens, and then two charcoal pens.

After she finished the pen and tested the feel and effect first, she asked Dong to bring some soft rags and wrap them around the pen to prevent her hands from getting dirty while writing.

After finishing it, she tried it again and felt quite satisfied, so she said to Shangguan Yuntian: "Let's go, let me show you the new pen I made."

"Okay!" Shangguan Yuntian nodded with a smile, and returned to the study with Yehuang.When he saw Yehuang trying out the pen just now, he couldn't wait to use it.

The two went back to the study room and sat down on the chairs. Yehuang took out a piece of paper that had not been written on and spread it out, then handed the pen to Shangguan Yuntian, and said, "Try writing a few words."

Shangguan Yuntian took the pen and began to write on the white paper.

When he wrote the first character, he was a little uncomfortable, but when he wrote three characters, the writing became smoother and smoother, and his eyes became brighter and brighter.

(End of this chapter)

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