The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1377 Pregnant

Chapter 1377 Pregnant ([-])
As soon as Murong Jue heard that Ye Huang was ill, he couldn't sit still, so he directly used his lightness kung fu and rushed to the Prince's Mansion.

When Dong regained consciousness, seeing Murong Jue with only an afterimage left, he couldn't help twitching the corners of his mouth.Afterwards, she also practiced lightness kung fu directly and went back to the Prince's Mansion.

Murong Jue suddenly appeared in the prince's mansion, which surprised the guards in the mansion, thinking that the assassin had broken in, so they showed up one by one, ready to intercept.

Well, Qin Chao heard the movement and ran over, and seeing Murong Jue, immediately asked everyone to retreat.

Murong Jue glanced at Qin Chao, and then asked: "Where is your master?"

"In Qinghuangyuan."

After the sound fell, Murong Jue used his lightness kung fu again and headed towards the courtyard where Shangguan Yuntian and Yehuang lived.

When Qin Chao saw it, he hurriedly chased after him, fearing that the hidden guards in the yard would attack Murong Jue.Fortunately, he was not slow in chasing, and stopped before the hidden guards made a move.

Shangguan Yuntian, who was guarding Yehuang in the room, came out when he heard the commotion outside, saw Murong Jue's anxious face rushing over, and shouted: "Master."

"Where is Huang'er? How is she?" Murong Jue glanced at Shangguan Yuntian and asked.

"Huang'er is in the room, asleep." While talking, Shangguan Yuntian invited Murong Jue into the room.

On the bed, Yehuang was soundly asleep, her face was a little pale, and she looked very tired.

"What's going on?" Murong Jue came to the bed, glanced at Yehuang, then turned to ask Shangguan Yuntian.

"These days, Yehuang has been busy with my birthday, and then she got tired like this."

"Tired?" Murong Jue frowned, looking at Yehuang who didn't wake up because of his arrival, he also felt a little strange.

Ye Huang is a martial arts practitioner, and her alertness has never been low. Logically speaking, she shouldn't have slept so deeply.Could it be that she was really sick?
Thinking about it, Murong Jue stretched out his hand and placed it on Yehuang's wrist, helping her to feel her pulse.

At the beginning, Murong Jue's eyebrows were tightly furrowed, causing Shangguan Yuntian's heart to rise to his throat, really worried about what happened to Yehuang.

Fortunately, Murong Jue's expression softened and his brows relaxed afterwards, so he felt a little relieved.

However, when Murong Jue let go of Ye Huang's wrist, he still asked eagerly: "Master, how is Huang'er?"

"It's okay!" Murong Jue waved his hands and stood up.

"Is it okay?" Shangguan Yuntian couldn't believe it. It's okay, Yehuang would want to sleep every day. Could it be that he is really too busy and tired recently?
Knowing that Shangguan Yuntian was a little confused, Murong Jue explained, "It's okay, she just has a body."

"Have a body?" Shangguan Yuntian didn't understand for a while, and looked at Murong Jue puzzled.

Seeing Shangguan Yuntian's appearance, Murong Jue glared at him, and said: "Huang'er is happy, you are going to be a father."

"What, what?" Shangguan Yuntian was shocked, and looked at Murong Jue blankly, afraid that he had heard wrong, he asked, "Master, what did you say? Huang'er is pregnant with a child?"

"Yeah, take good care of her and don't make her tired." Murong Jue nodded, then walked to a table beside him and sat down, ready to prescribe some birth control pills for Ye Huang.

"Ah, really, that's great." Shangguan Yuntian looked excited, and then couldn't take his eyes off Yehuang for a long time.

As for Murong Jue, he had long since forgotten about it.At this time, Shangguan Yuntian only had Ye Huang in his eyes.

He looked at Ye Huang's still sleeping face, with the corners of his mouth raised high, and the joy in his heart couldn't be stopped.

(End of this chapter)

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