The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1387: A Blind Date at Night

Chapter 1387 Night Su blind date ([-])

Take this song Qiushui as an example, she had heard Ye Xue play it before.Although Du Qingqiu is not as good at playing as Ye Xue, he can be regarded as a master.

After finishing playing a piece, Yehuang looked at Du Qingqiu standing in front of her, and said with a smile, "You played it well."

After finishing speaking, Yehuang turned her head and told the mother beside her, "Mother Hu, reward Miss Du with a wishful jade handle."

"Yes, Empress Dowager Concubine." Mammy replied, and then stepped back. After a while, a maid walked up to Yehuang with a tray.

Yehuang took Yu Ruyi in her hands and gave it to Du Qingqiu.

Seeing that Du Qingqiu was rewarded, the wives present knew that she was favored by Ye Huang, and the way they looked at her changed.

Of course, the happiest thing is Du Qingqiu's mother, Mrs. Du, she looked at her daughter with a smile, with a look of pride on her face.

She is also very optimistic about the marriage in the General's Mansion. She wanted to find someone to talk to, but she has not found the right one.After all, there is no hostess in the general's mansion, so many things are not easy to handle.

Now, since Yehuang took the lead, they also showed their sincerity, allowing Yehuang to see Du Qingqiu's excellence and at the same time see that the Du family attaches great importance to this matter.

Everyone's eyes fell on Du Qingqiu, which made her a little embarrassed. After thanking Mrs. Du, she returned to sit beside Mrs. Du, neither humble nor overbearing. Since there was no expression of satisfaction or displeasure on her face, It made Ye Huang look a little higher.

Yes, a good girl.Steady and self-sustaining.

After Du Qingqiu passed, the second girl to perform on stage was another girl named Bai Luoyu.She is the daughter of the fourth rank general Bai Feihu.

It is said that the tiger girl of Jiangmen is really good.This white girl was born pretty well, different from Bai Feihu's sturdy and strong, with a melon-seeded face, willow eyebrows, and a standard beauty embryo.

Yehuang originally thought that she could also perform piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, but she didn't expect her to perform sword dancing.For this, Yehuang was a master among them, and he could tell at a glance that Bai Luoyu's martial arts were good.

Yehuang suddenly wanted to try Bai Luoyu's strength, so she told Dong, "Go and try her."

"Yes!" Dong replied, and then also left the stage, holding a long sword, and fighting with Bai Luoyu.

Bai Luoyu didn't expect that Dong would end suddenly, let alone that Dong would attack him, so he immediately dodged in surprise.

Fortunately, she reacted quickly and her hands were good, avoiding Dong's blow.If you change to someone else, you will definitely get hurt.

Seeing Bai Luoyu's reaction and her evasive action, Ye Huang's eyes flickered, eyes full of interest.

Good response.

This Bai Luoyu is really good at martial arts, although he can't compare with Dong and the others, he can be regarded as a second-rate master.

Due to Dong's participation, the original sword dance was quickly turned into hand-to-hand combat.

Seeing the two people in the field, back and forth, swords and swords intersecting, the wives present all raised their hearts and sweated for Bai Luoyu.

Especially Bai Luoyu's mother, Mrs. Bai, was even more worried.Not only was she worried that Bai Luoyu would be injured, but she was also worried that Yehuang would be displeased because Bai Luoyu knew martial arts.

After all, few of the daughters raised in deep boudoirs know martial arts.

In fact, at the beginning, she also disapproved of Bai Luoyu learning martial arts, but her husband Bai Feihu wanted his daughter to learn martial arts desperately, saying how could a tiger father have a dog girl? As long as there is no problem.

In addition, Bai Luoyu liked it herself, so she followed their wishes and asked her daughter not to be found out that she knew martial arts.

 The fourth watch is over!Ranran's new book "Ace Military Marriage: Chief, let's pamper you wantonly! "

(End of this chapter)

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