The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1390: A Blind Date at Night

Chapter 1390

He knew that Ye Huang had a good vision, and believed that she would help the General's Mansion find a suitable mistress, and help him find a woman with a similar temperament.

"Brother, you really have confidence in me." Ye Huang was speechless, she stared at Ye Su and said, "You like what I'm looking for. Is this your marriage or my marriage?"

"Even if I get married, I have to find someone you like. Then you will get along happily in the future, won't you?"

Yehuang looked at her elder brother and didn't know what to say.Who said he doesn't care about himself, doesn't love himself.No, a person who thinks so much about finding a wife doesn't care about himself, doesn't love himself?

Yehuang's heart was a little touched, why didn't she want to find a sister-in-law she liked, preferably a sister-in-law with whom she could talk, but what she hoped more was that her brother would be happy.

"Brother, take this information back and read it first, and ask Grandpa to help you refer to it. It won't be too late to reply to me in two days." Yehuang stuffed the information into Ye Su's hands and asked him to take a good look. , to see which one she likes, so that she can contact the two of them in a row.

Ye Su didn't want to take it at first, but seeing Yehuang's insistence, she had to take the information.

After giving the things to Ye Su, Ye Huang turned her gaze to Third Young Master Fengyun again, and asked, "Cousin, you and brother went to see those girls earlier, did you take a fancy to any of them?"

"Huang'er, cousin is not in a hurry, you'd better help your brother settle down first." Fengyun Third Young Master waved his hand, with a respectful and indifferent look, he has no plans to get married yet.

"Cousin, after passing this village, this shop will be gone. You are old and young. Don't wait for your aunt to urge you to worry. By then, all the good girls will be married away." Yehuang looked at Fengyun with a playful face. Third Young Master, he and Ye Su are only two years apart, and they have also reached the age of marriage.

Before in Wusai City, because he left the family, the women of the aristocratic family in the city looked down on Fengyun Third Young Master, and Nangong Yu was still sick at that time, so no girls liked him.

But it's different now, not to mention that he is his cousin, but just because of his talent, it's not difficult to find a woman he likes.

Moreover, Shangguan Yuntian had already made a plan to let him enter the court after Fengyun Third Young Master finished handling the affairs in the Zhuangzi, so that his talents would not be buried.

"It's okay, there is no good girl, my cousin just doesn't marry." Fengyun Third Young Master said indifferently.But he didn't want to, his words were just overheard by Nangong Yu who came to give Yehuang the miscarriage medicine, so he yelled: "You brat, what are you talking about? Do you dare to marry me?"

Hearing his mother's loud voice, Third Young Master Fengyun's face changed, and he looked at Yehuang sadly, as if he was going to die.

Looking at his mother who was still some distance away from him, Third Young Master Fengyun quietly said to Yehuang: "Huang'er, I have nothing to do, I will leave first."

I'm going to run away after I finish speaking.

No, Nangong Yu had already expected that he would do this, and a cold voice came over: "Third Young Master Fengyun, do you dare to try?"

In a word, Fengyun Sanshou stopped running away, turned his head and looked at his mother flatteringly, and said, "Mother, how could I run away, don't I have other things to do?"

"Is there something to be busy?" Nangong Yu looked at Third Young Master Fengyun with a sneer on his face, and said, "Why don't I know what else you have to be busy with?"

Young Master Fengyun looked at Ye Huang's face, and said nonsense, "Huang'er just confessed, how could you possibly know?"

(End of this chapter)

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