The medical concubine is mad

1422 Chapter 7 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1422

A day ago, Mrs. Bai had someone send a post to Ye Huang, telling her the time of the visit.

So, shortly after receiving Mrs. Bai's post, Ye Huang asked Dong to go to the General's Mansion and asked his grandfather Ye Feng for his brother's post.

When they arrived at the Prince's Mansion, Mrs. Bai and Ye Huang exchanged a few words, then took out Bai Luoyu's Geng Tie, and told Ye Huang that the Bai family was very satisfied with the marriage, but before that, they still wanted to unite Bai Luoyu and Ye Su's marriage. character.

If the horoscopes match, the marriage is considered settled.

For this, Yehuang understood, so she gave her brother's Geng Tie to Mrs. Bai.

After receiving the Geng Tie, Mrs. Bai didn't stay too long, and went directly to find someone to match her horoscope.

The news about the Yebai two families exchanging Geng Tie, spread in the capital for some reason, and reached the ears of Mrs. Du in Zhuangzi outside the city.

After hearing the news, she couldn't stay any longer and rushed back to the capital overnight.Du Qingqiu did not come back with Mrs. Du, but stayed in the Zhuangzi.

After hearing the news, her reaction was completely different from Mrs. Du's.Ever since Third Young Master Fengyun rescued her, her whole heart has been devoted to him.Therefore, she also resisted getting married with Ye's family, and always wanted to find an opportunity to meet Fengyun Third Young Master.

However, with Mrs. Du around, she couldn't find a chance at all.

It's all right now, Mrs. Du has left, and Du Qingqiu is thinking about how to meet Fengyun Third Young Master.During these days, the figure of Third Young Master Fengyun was always in her mind, and she felt that even if the two of them didn't speak, it would be good to see each other.

The Third Young Master Fengyun didn't know about what others were thinking about him. Since he left Zhuangzi that day, he never went out again, and dealt with the account books every day.

Besides, when Mrs. Du returned to the mansion, she immediately asked people to check the authenticity of the matter. When she was sure that the two families had really changed their Geng Tie and combined their horoscopes, she regretted it endlessly.

She was thinking, if she knew this, she would never go to Zhuangzi to recuperate.It's all right now, a good marriage was just kicked off by others.

Regrets are regrets, but the matter has come to this point, and she has nothing to do.He can only focus on other young talents in the capital.

Neither Yehuang nor the Bai family knew about this episode.After matching Ye Su's horoscope, Mrs. Bai immediately sent a reply to tell Ye Huang that the two were a perfect match.

For this reason, Ye Huang specially went back to the General's Mansion to discuss with Ye Feng whether to let the emperor bestow a marriage.

However, Ye Feng rejected Ye Huang's proposal directly, and said, "Huang'er, you are now the crown princess, which is already a great honor for the general's mansion. If your brother asks the emperor to marry you again, it will be a little bit Pass it. If it is too full, it will overflow, if it is full, it will be a loss.”

After hearing this, Yehuang could understand her grandfather.In the eyes of others, the General's Mansion has already been extremely prosperous, if the emperor's marriage is added, then others will be jealous.

Once this person becomes jealous, he will easily cause trouble.The General's Mansion now has only a single seedling like Ye Su, who can't stand trouble.

"Grandpa, I understand what you mean, I will tell Yuntian. However, since there is no need to give a marriage, then we have to find another time to go to the White House to propose a marriage. I wonder what day Grandpa thinks is suitable?"

"Three days later, your elder brother happens to be off that day, let him go with us."

At the appointed time to propose marriage, Ye Huang stayed with Ye Feng for a while, and then went back to the mansion.

Back at the mansion, Shangguan Yuntian had already returned, she told her grandfather what she wanted, but Shangguan Yuntian didn't say anything.

(End of this chapter)

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