The medical concubine is mad

1424 Chapter 9 Ye Su Marriage

Chapter 1424

These words really comforted Bai Feihu, making him smile again.

"Heng'er, you're right. It's not bad to be a son, but a son-in-law, haha."

Time flies quickly, and two months have passed in a blink of an eye.

This day was the day when Ye Su got married.People in the General's Mansion got up early in the morning to check the furnishings everywhere to see if they were in place.Then the well-trained stood at the gate, welcoming the guests.

Yehuang also got up early, and accompanied by Nangong Yu, Dong Hexia, walked around.

Because it was a big day for her elder brother to get married, Ye Huang moved into the General's Mansion the day before.For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian had no choice but to stay with her.

However, even though it was the day of Ye Su's marriage, Shangguan Yuntian still went to court.

Seeing the red color all over the house and everyone's beaming smiling faces, Ye Huang was in an extremely good mood.

Ye Huang was walking in the yard, not wanting to run into Ye Feng who also got up early.Seeing Ye Huang, Ye Feng stepped forward quickly, and said with a little reproach: "Huang'er, why did you wake up so early and didn't sleep for a while?"

"Grandpa, today is a good day for big brother, how can I sleep?" Ye Huang replied with a smile.

"Are you healthy?" Ye Feng was still a little worried, and his eyes fell on Ye Huang's stomach, which was just over three months old, and it was four or five months older than others.At first, they were all worried, but in the end Murong Jue told them that Yehuang was pregnant with twins, and they were relieved.

However, even so, seeing Yehuang's big belly, everyone couldn't help but worry.

"It's okay, the little guys are very good today. I guess they knew that today is their uncle's wedding day, so they didn't bother me much." Yehuang reached out and touched his stomach, wondering if it was true as Shangguan Yuntian said, little guy They inherited the genes of two people, the fetal movement is earlier than the average child, and they can understand what they say.

For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian transmitted to them every night, telling them to be good, to love their mother when they grow up, and not to make their mother angry.

Sometimes, they will also tease the little ones in their stomachs, such as asking them to stretch their fists and feet.

"That's good. If you're tired, go back to your room and rest. There are other people in the mansion. You are twins now, so you have to be careful." Ye Feng told Ye Huang a few words, and left in a hurry.

He had to go see if Ye Su was ready, don't leave anything behind, or miss something, so as not to be rude.

Ye Su's yard, Ye Su is trying to dress up.Although he had already tried no less than a few times, he obediently tried again.

As soon as he put on his clothes, he saw Ye Feng walking in, so he strode forward and said, "Grandpa, why are you here?"

"Let me see how your preparations are going." Ye Feng looked at Ye Su while talking.Looking at him in a happy suit, Ye Feng couldn't help but think of his son Ye Xuan when he got married.

Unfortunately, he left early.

Thinking about it, Ye Feng's eyes were a little moist.

"Grandpa, what's wrong with you?" Feeling Ye Feng's sadness for a moment, Ye Su stepped forward to support him and asked with concern.

"It's okay, grandpa is happy to see that you are getting married." Ye Feng smiled, stretched out his hand to wipe his eyes, and then looked at his grandson again.

After looking back and forth several times, there was nothing wrong with him, so he patted him on the shoulder in satisfaction and said, "Get ready and start early."

 Thank you Xiaoqi for your reward, thank you!
(End of this chapter)

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