The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1426 Pregnancy Month

Chapter 1426 Pregnancy in October ([-])

Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian sadly, and said nothing.Shangguan Yuntian has already talked about this, what else can she say?
No matter how curious she was, she would never risk the child in her belly.Therefore, she can't watch the trouble in the bridal chamber today.

"Huang'er, take a rest first, you've been tired for a long time." Shangguan Yuntian couldn't bear to look at Yehuang's sad eyes, and took her hand to walk inside.

Yehuang followed silently, feeling a little depressed.She didn't say a word until she lay on the bed.

Shangguan Yuntian knew that Yehuang was in a bad mood, but he didn't dare to provoke her. After covering her with a quilt, he sat by the side and guarded her.

Originally, Yehuang was not very sleepy, but she fell asleep unconsciously while lying on the bed.When she woke up, the wedding banquet was over.

As soon as she opened her eyes, she saw Shangguan Yuntian standing in front of the bed. Yehuang smiled, and the depression in her heart was swept away.

"Huang'er, are you awake?" Seeing Yehuang waking up, Shangguan Yuntian laughed, picked up the clothes beside her and helped her get dressed, then helped her get out of bed, and then called Dong and Xia in , waiting for her to wash and comb.

After finishing, the two left the room together and went to eat.

When the two of them walked to the flower hall, the food was just served. There were dishes specially prepared by Nangong Yu for Ye Huang, and there were also dishes for the wedding banquet.

Looking at the table full of dishes, Yehuang's index finger moved wildly.

Dong and Xia wanted to serve Yehuang for dinner, but were sent away by Shangguan Yuntian.He didn't like the presence of outsiders when the two of them were eating.

Moreover, he prefers to prepare vegetables for Ye Huang himself, and seeing her eating happily, he will feel a sense of satisfaction and happiness in his heart.

After dinner, someone from the mansion came to look for Shangguan Yuntian, so the two of them didn't stay in the general's mansion, and went directly back to the prince's mansion.

Back at the mansion, Shangguan Yuntian was busy.Yehuang was a little bored, so she wanted to make some small clothes for the baby in her belly.

No, Nangong Yu didn't agree with Ye Huang's words when she heard Ye Huang's words. She said to Ye Huang: "Huang'er, you just need to take good care of your baby now. My aunt will help you with these things, but don't tire yourself out." .”

"Auntie, it's just making some small clothes, you won't be tired." Yehuang shook Nangong Yu's hand and acted coquettishly.Since she was pregnant, she has lived like a pig every day, except eating and sleeping.

Don't let her do anything, make her bored to death.In the past, when she was interested, she could make poison or something.But since she was pregnant with the child, Shangguan Yuntian strictly prohibited her from touching those things.

Let's read, she doesn't really like reading classics and history collections.As for those scripts, she wasn't interested either.What's more, they won't let her read for too long.

In their eyes, her current task is to play besides playing.

This made Yehuang very uncomfortable.It's only a few months now, and it will take ten months to conceive. Thinking about the six or seven months in the future, Ye Huang's scalp becomes numb.

So, after much deliberation, she could only think about what to do for the child to pass the time.

Although Nangong Yu has already helped the babies make several sets of clothes, she still wants to make a few sets of clothes with modern elements for the babies by herself.

"Huang'er, the prince has already told me that I can't make you tired, otherwise my monthly payment will be deducted. Do you have the heart to let my aunt's monthly payment be deducted?" In order to dispel Yehuang's thoughts, Nangong Yu even made such an excuse. I found it all, and I was really drunk.

(End of this chapter)

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