The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1433 Baby is born

Chapter 1433 The Baby Is Born ([-])

Once Bai Luoyu became pregnant, Yehuang lost one person to talk to.

In addition, as the due date approached, Yehuang's hands and feet began to swell, and her mood became more and more irritable.

From time to time, he would lose his temper, which made everyone in the mansion tremble.For this reason, Shangguan Yuntian pushed as far as possible the affairs of the court, and then stayed by Ye Huang's side.

As long as Shangguan Yuntian was there, Yehuang's temper would improve a lot.This made the people in the mansion slightly relieved.

Shangguan Yuntian was also patient, and stayed by Yehuang's side, coaxing her with nice words.No matter whether she is beating or scolding, she always has a smile on her face.

For this reason, Ye Huang often felt that she was making trouble for no reason, and would regret everything.But as soon as his temper came up, he would still make the same mistakes.

Shangguan Yuntian, however, had no complaints. Seeing Yehuang's feet swell badly, his heart ached.For this reason, I would massage her from time to time, and even when she saw that she was having trouble walking, I would just carry her on my back or walk with her in my arms.

This lasted for almost a month, and there were only a few days before Yehuang's due date.For this reason, the entire Prince's Mansion was busy and tense, and the midwife and imperial doctor sent by the palace also lived in the mansion early.

Shangguan Yuntian guarded Yehuang closely, worrying that she would have an attack at any time.

I don't know if it's because of the imminent birth, but Yehuang's mood is better.There is also less time to lose my temper during the day, and my appetite is particularly large.It is often just after eating, and within an hour, I want to eat again.

This made Shangguan Yuntian very worried, and specially asked Murong Jue to check Yehuang before he was relieved.

However, just when everyone was nervous, Yehuang was not nervous at all. She ate and slept every day, and she didn't even want to go for a walk.

It was Shangguan Yuntian who heard that exercising more would help a pregnant woman give birth, so he forced her to walk around the garden.

On this day, as usual, Yehuang wanted to sleep after eating, and Shangguan Yuntian coaxed her for a long time before she agreed to go for a walk in the yard.

However, before the two of them had walked a few steps, Ye Huang suddenly let out a cry.

Her sudden cry startled Shangguan Yuntian, who panicked, picked her up, walked into the room, and asked nervously: "Huang'er, what's wrong with you? Where does it hurt, tell me."

At this time, the pain just passed away, Yehuang looked at Shangguan Yuntian's worried and nervous look, felt a little sorry, and said, "I just had a stomachache."

"Stomach pain? Could it be that you are about to give birth?" Shangguan Yuntian became more nervous when he heard this.He once knew the process of a woman giving birth, and knew that when she was about to give birth, she would have a stomachache.

"Isn't it? It doesn't hurt anymore now." Ye Huang said with some uncertainty.In two lifetimes, she was giving birth to a child for the first time, so she had no experience at all.Even though she had read books on this subject before and was a doctor herself, she still didn't know much about childbirth.

She only knows that there will be labor pains before giving birth, but she has never experienced what kind of pain it is.

"No, I have to call someone." Shangguan Yuntian said worriedly.He felt that no matter whether Yehuang was about to give birth or not, it would never hurt to make preparations first.

What's more, Yehuang is just a matter of these few days, so it's better to be on the safe side.

Therefore, Shangguan Yuntian immediately ordered the dark guard to call someone to wait.On the other hand, he guarded Yehuang, staring nervously at her stomach.

(End of this chapter)

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