The medical concubine is mad

Chapter 1436 Dragon and Phoenix Bringing Prosperity

Chapter 1436 Dragon and Phoenix Bring Prosperity ([-])

He knew that Yehuang must be afraid that he would be worried, so he didn't let himself shout out.

Thinking of Yehuang's forbearance, Shangguan Yuntian's heart ached even more, his whole heart was tangled up, and he shouted to the delivery room: "Huang'er, I'm fine, just call out if it hurts, don't worry about me, I I can bear it. I promise you, I will always guard outside, without your consent, I will never go in. "

I don't know if Shangguan Yuntian's words had an effect, Yehuang gradually stopped holding back and cried out.

Hearing the yelling, Shangguan Yuntian tried his best to restrain himself, so he could not rush in.

Time passed bit by bit, and Ye Huang screamed louder.At this time, the voice of the midwife also came out, and they said to Ye Huang: "Crown Princess, use your strength. You can see the head of the little Highness."

"Your Majesty, work harder, Your Highness's head has come out a little bit. Use more force, yes, force, that's it."

Shangguan Yuntian was listening outside, his heart was hanging high, his forehead was covered with sweat, falling drop by drop.

He who has always been a secluded man can't care so much at this time, all his mind is in the delivery room.There is his beloved wife, who is working hard to give birth to their baby.

In the room, Yehuang had been in pain for a long time, and after using so much strength for a while, she was extremely tired, her face was tired, her eyes were dull, as if she would fall asleep at any moment.

The nanny and the midwives were startled when they watched, and immediately shouted in her ear, "Crown Princess, His Highness's head has all come out, very good. Use a little more force, and His Highness will be able to recover soon." Out."

I don't know if their shouting had an effect, but Yehuang, who had no strength at all, suddenly regained strength, and with the guidance of the midwife, she exerted strength again.

As soon as the child's head comes out, the body comes out quickly.

In addition, there was a midwife beside her who gently pressed Ye Huang's stomach, and the child's body came out soon.

A loud cry sounded in the room, making Yehuang's tired face show a faint smile.

Her baby is born!
Once this person is relaxed, he will get sleepy easily.Yehuang closed her eyes slightly, looking drowsy.The midwives and nurses on the side were shocked when they saw it, and shouted, "Prince Princess, Crown Princess, you can't sleep. There is still a little Highness in your belly?"

The midwife called Yehuang to not let her sleep.Nanny hurriedly stuffed the ginseng that had been prepared nearby into Yehuang's mouth.

In any case, Yehuang couldn't be allowed to fall asleep at this time.Otherwise, the child in the womb will be in danger.

Yehuang also knew that there was another one in her stomach, but she was really tired and wanted to sleep.I don't know if he sensed Ye Huang's thoughts, but the newborn baby burst into tears.

Hearing the child's cry, Yehuang finally opened her eyes again, and asked eagerly, "What's wrong with the baby?"

"Crown Princess, Your Highness is fine. It's normal for a newborn baby to cry. Now, you have to rest for a while, and you have to give birth to another little Highness in your stomach." Mammy comforted Ye Huang , while wiping the sweat off Ye Huang's head.

Besides, Shangguan Yuntian, the moment he heard the cry of the child, he relaxed and sat down on the ground.Seeing the master who always paid attention to his image, suddenly changed into this appearance, Qin Chao and others couldn't help twitching the corners of their mouths.

The Crown Princess gave birth to a child, and the image of the master was completely ruined.

What about being wise and martial?

(End of this chapter)

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